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China Becomes #1 Place for Direct Foreign Investment

Because the West has decided to commit suicide economically to push this Great Reset and destroy the economy to BUILD BACK BETTER, they are fulfilling precisely what our model has been forecasting – that China will become the Financial Capital of the World post-2032. China has surpassed the United States for the first time as […]

PRIVATE BLOG – The ECB Capping Rates & Shift to China

PRIVATE BLOG – The ECB Capping Rates & Shift to China Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please visit

The Rise of China

QUESTION: Martin, Thanks for a great report on your private blog regarding population and cycles. These Great Reset people are killing the whole world! As an American who has lived in China since 1996, and has followed you since your incarceration, I am a huge believer in cycles and a student of Asian philosophy and […]

Why China Will Become #1 World Economy

QUESTION: I believe you have said that in order for the Chinese to become the next superpower and be the monetary capital of the world the rule of law would have to exist. Given the recent take down of Alibaba how can one have faith in a system governed by a communist hierarchy? TW ANSWER: […]

United Nations Handing over Names of Dissents to China

The United Nations internal ethics investigation has agreed that the U.N. Human Rights Office approved handing over the names of Uighur activists to China and the excuse really makes you wonder do they think we are just all total morons? They are handing over the names of these dissents because they were “primarily interested in […]

Drastic Food Shortages in China

Chinese Chairman Xi Jinping has come out officially acknowledging the food crisis in China by asking people not to waste food. China’s rice farmers are fighting insects and weeds the traditional way by bringing in hungry ducks. Meanwhile, China is facing serious shortages of both grains and pork. Months of flooding have wiped out the […]

Food Shortages Hitting China

I have explained many times that while we see this 8.6-wave of the Economic Confidence Model as inflationary, this is strikingly different insofar as it will be on the back of food shortages.  I have warned that Socrates was projecting food shortages because of the weather. However, now we have these global elitists manipulating the […]

China & US War in 3 Months?

The former Labor Prime Minister of Australia Kevin Rudd has come out in a piece he wrote in Foreign Affairs – Beware the Guns of August—in Asia. Rudd is claiming that the US and China may go to war in three months ahead of the US elections. This is clearly the left trying to claim that […]

China v US Confrontation

China on Friday ordered the United States to shut its consulate in Chengdu in response to the American closure of China’s equivalent branch in Houston. The US had ordered China to close its consulate in Houston which was indeed a political provocation which was the view by Beijing. US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said the decision was taken because China was […]

China Seizes all Bitcoin Bank Accounts

Chinese police have frozen several thousand accounts of Bitcoin traders during an extensive crackdown on illicit activities, which includes transferring money out of the country as well as tax evasion. We must realize that the PRESUMPTION that we have free markets and that somehow a cryptocurrency is outside of the government fiat system is all […]