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Climate Change Propaganda Campaign


Labour Party in London Wants to Delist Any Company That Does not Comply with Climate Change

Britain has been a major center stage player in expanding the world economy every since the 17th century. The London Stock Exchange was the place to list your company to get into the big leagues. Now the British Labour Party seems to be joining with the extreme left in Climate Change known as the Extinction […]

The Fraud of Climate Change

There are hard links between the world’s largest financial groups, including Goldman Sachs, pushing the climate change agenda by selling “Green Bonds” which are the latest scheme on how to lose a lot of money very fast. They promise to be great sellers as they whip people up into believing they can do their part […]

Mickey Mouse Climate Change Scientist Says We Need To Reduce Population

Amazingly, among the list of 11,000 climate experts includes Mickey Mouse from the Mickey Mouse Institute For the Blind. No one in the press bothered to verify such an announcement despite 11,000 scientists claiming to have signed something that no legitimate scientist would EVER ascribe to. This is not science, it is propaganda. What scientist […]

Climate Change – There Has Been No Warming for the Past 18 years

  We do not endorse the veracity of this clip. It is offered to show what is out there.

Wild 9-Year Cycles in Climate Change from Cold to Warm

On September 28, 1924, the New York Times reported that there was evidence that the Arctic had actually been tropical in the past. They reported that there was the possibility of a coming Ice Age. The NY Times reported: “NATURE is in a strange mood beyond the Arctic Circle, Glaciers are moving from their age-old […]

Europe is Losing 1,000 Farms Per Day & Climate Change Regulations May lead to Starvation

The new EU Agriculture Commissioner has publicly stated that Europe loses 1,000 farms per day. He acknowledged that the EU is losing 400,000 farms per year. However, crop and livestock production in Europe is projected to decline and maybe completely abandoned Europe’s southern and Mediterranean regions due to the increased negative impacts of climate change, […]

Eat the Babies to Stop Climate Change?

This climate change scare tactics can really lead to serious responses from some people. One woman proposes destroying Russia and eliminating all Russians, but that will not be enough to stop climate change so she offers the next solution.

The Climate Change Fraud Used by Marxists When Communism Failed

This is a good documentary on the subject of human-caused climate change. In a court of law, the evidence argued by the global warming crowd is absolutely a joke and in a real court of law, they would be charged with criminal fraud. This is an agenda which has been usurped by the Marxists who […]

Climate Change Will Add to Unemployment in Auto Industry

The internet reshaped the retail consumer world by eliminating many small stores and forcing big stores to close locations as online shopping exploded. Many small book stores and camera stores were particularly vulnerable. Now climate change is having a similar impact. The strike with the United Auto Workers’ (UAW) and General Motors is not so […]