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Is the Dollar Rally the Same as the Great Depression?

QUESTION: Marty: If I have this correctly, you’ve said the Great Depression of the 1930s was a Global Capital Flow problem set in motion largely by sovereign debt issues that led to a massive capital flight into the dollar which created a tidal wave of deflation. Are we seeing this scenario today? Cheers, TM ANSWER: […]

Can the US Government Really Force the Dollar Lower?

QUESTION: Hi Martin, What tools do the US have to TRY and manipulate their dollar lower (other than cutting interest rates) and in your opinion would they be successful? How much do they have in the Exchange Stabilization Fund? Do they have a defense plan to limit and control capital flows coming in? Thanks, RM […]

Gold & Dollar Rising Together?

QUESTION: Marty, Socrates has done an amazing job forecasting gold all by itself. What I find stunning is gold is rising but so is the dollar. This once again points out that all this gold analysis that it will soar because the dollar is fiat and will go to zero seems really absurd. You have […]

The Dollar Decline

The Fed meeting this week has triggered a turn in the dollar as US rates dipped on the 10-year to their lowest since Trump took office. As a result, the greenback is the weakest among the majors for the week thus far as we should expect for a decline near-term. Although there has been an […]

A Strong US Dollar is the Only Way to Create Change

COMMENT: It is interesting how these people take your interviews and inject headlines like you say the dollar will collapse in April 2019 when you have said exactly the opposite. Just unbelievable how these people use your name to promote their BS. JD REPLY: I know. They keep preaching the dollar will collapse when it […]

US$ Rallies as Central Banks Sell Dollars

QUESTION: I am a mega dollar bull – I totally get how it is the only game in town.  I’ve lived it too, having seen how the big banks work their balance sheets from the inside. However… occasionally people send me charts like the one below and get all excited.  They say we are de dollarizing […]

The Hong Kong Dollar Peg – When Will it Break?

Hong Kong’s intervened to support the Hong Kong dollar for the first time since August 2018 after the exchange rate fell to the lower end of its trading band against the greenback. The Hong Kong Monetary Authority bought HK$1.507 billion ($192 million) of their own currency during London and New York trading hours on Saturday. The […]

The Great Myths that Never Die: Rothschilds & Petrodollar

The two major myths that I get asked about all the time are the Rothschilds and whether pricing oil in yuan or euro will cause the dollar to collapse. I think I know something about the Rothschilds. I was even offered an investor back in the 1980s who wanted to buy into the company, and […]

Strong Dollar & Share Market

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, I have a problem understanding how could Dow Jones keep hitting records in upcoming years if US dollar gets stronger. Strong dollar will hurt export. Could you perhaps elaborate on this topic a bit? JP ANSWER: Your question assumes the standard ANALYSIS based upon profits. Exports only account for 12% of […]

Will BREXIT force Change in EU & People Hoard Dollars Fearing the Euro Can Be Cancelled?

QUESTION: Marty, your account of Carausius and Postumus being the ancient Brexit is really interesting. Am I correct that whilst this separatist movement failed, it was this Brexit that forced Rome to reintroduce silver? HM ANSWER: Correct.  Diocletian introduced the silver Argenteus in 294AD after the defeat of Carausius’ separatist movement. It is highly likely that old silver denarii were […]