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Tyson Foods to Use BUGS to Create Our Food

The climate change psy-ops has simply gone too far. Schwab’s World Economic Forum has become like a cult declaring our last days are ahead unless we abide by asinine laws. Those promoting the Great Reset have said countless times that WE will begin to eat bugs to save the planet, and meat will no longer […]

Oxford University Press: Should Animals Have the Right to Vote?

A bit of a light-hearted story amid the 24/7 news cycle of death and destruction. Extremists among the animal rights community believe that animals deserve the right to vote in elections. As asinine as this theory sounds, the community has managed to publish their proposal in the Oxford University Press, a respected source. “Should Animals […]

Israel & Hamas & World War III

Hamas’s attack was deliberately orchestrated to create an open war. I say that because of the taking of hostages, knowing that this will simply escalate the crisis. The ongoing hostage situation presents a unique crisis, for included within those hostages are also Americans. Taking about 150 living hostages presents a crisis that can engulf the […]

Transnational Gangs – America is Under Attack

America has been invaded; no one is safe. The media has stifled reports that groups of migrants are targeting upscale residents and burglarizing homes. Biden provided these people with entry under the Visa Waiver Program. These people are trained and committing these crimes on behalf of their respective gangs. Oakland County Sheriff Michael Bouchard is […]

Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland is on the WEF Board of Trustees

Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland is officially a member of the World Economic Forum’s Board of Trustees. Klaus Schwab meant it when he said he had infiltrated cabinets across the globe. They are not even trying to hide the corruption. When I mention that Canada is on track for the Great Reset, I am not […]

WEC 2023 – The Road to 2032

We are rapidly approaching 2032, where there will be the real Great Reset. We can all now “feel” 2032 coming. Our computer has made forecasts that no human being could have possibly made on such a consistent basis. Sure, someone can luck out and claim to have forecast one thing, but so many consistently is […]

Soros Targets Media in Maine

Alex Soros confirmed that he will be focusing his attention on having Joe Biden re-installed as president. The Soros family and the Open Society Foundation are no strangers to using the media to their advantage. “Whoever controls the media controls the mind,” as they say. Now Swiss billionaire Hansjörg Wyss and the Open Society Foundation […]

I Will Be Speaking Next Week In Sweden

Special_Invite_OnGuardStockholm-3day_18092023_final (2) This conference is rather unique. This is blending the manipulation of COVID tactics to control society and the financial backdrop behind the agenda that has been the motivation behind this authoritarian approach and the powers behind the headlines seek to drive us into their version of a Great Reset.

Biometrics to Track Malaria?

“For the first time in history, a biometric solution will be applied to track and trace the delivery of malaria vaccines, helping to save lives,” the World Economic Forum stated. The globalists want our individual biometric data in order to program each individual into a centralized database. Again, they begin all testing on the most […]

Austria Offers Free Transportation for Tattoos

Notice how all of the voluntary actions connected to the Great Reset include preying upon the young or desperate. These will be the first people to move into 15-minute cities and abide by tyrannical laws in exchange for government aid. They handed out free crypto in Africa in exchange for biometric data, for example. In […]