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Chicago Tribune Calls for Hillary to Step Down

Headine:  Democrats should ask Clinton to step aside I fully agree from my “opinion” perspective that Hillary is a disgrace and she should step aside and Joe Biden should be the Democratic Candidate. Americans have “become so numb by the decades of lies and cynicism oozing from Clinton Inc. that it could elect Hillary Clinton as president, […]

Will Hillary be Indicted in 2017? Cycles Look Like that is the Outcome!

Justice officials Attorney General Loretta Lynch and Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates disagreed with FBI Director James Comey’s decision to notify Congress about the bureau’s review of Hillary emails. Both did not agree playing it technical whereby the Department of Justice (DOJ) does typically announce they are investigating something. Of course, NY State did so with […]

Hillary – Weinergate – Abedin New Scandal – Indictment Now?

The New York Post is doing the best job on explaining this latest scandal. They have the 302s which are FBI reports of interviews. They clearly show that Huma Abedin is either an idiot not qualified for chief of staff, which she has been promised, or she is guilty of violating security and lying to […]

The FBI Reopens Hillary’s Emails – Too Hot to Handle

Hillary may not be laughing much longer. The FBI has sent a letter to Congress stating that new emails have surfaced and they are investigating new leads. Hillary Clinton’s email controversy has bubbled up once again as FBI Director James Comey told lawmakers the bureau is reviewing new emails related to her personal server. Comey has […]

Hillary’s Lawyer – “We have to clean this up!”

The Wall Street Journal broke the story on Sunday night about the connections surfacing between the Democrats and Jill Mcabe’s run for the Senate who is the wife of one of the top FBI investigators into the Hillary emails. According to the Journal, the finance records show Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe’s PAC gave $467,500 to Jill McCabe’s 2015 state […]

Hillary Spent $25 Million from Clinton Foundation on Private Jets

Bob Woodard, the journalist who broke the Watergate scandal that forced Nixon to resign, has come out to say that Hillary’s Clinton Foundation is “corrupt” and “a scandal.” Hillary said she will continue the Clinton Foundation if president, meaning she would continue taking money from foreign governments, no doubt. While the IRS documents show Hillary took in […]

Anonymous v Hillary  

Is Hillary Behind the False Charges against Julian Assange?

Hillary has a reputation for being very vindictive. The latest is that she is ultimately behind the whole incident of accusing Julian Assange of sex crimes. This is getting really bad. The one clear link is that the father of negative interest rates, Larry Summers, is also connected to Hillary. You never know what is real […]

Best Site for Easy Access to Hillary’s Emails by Topic

  The Most Revealing Emails from the #PodestaFiles, Separated By Category (Parts 1 – 13)

ABC News May Be Involved in Faking Rallies for Hillary

A lot of people are starting to focus on the video news feeds from ABC News. There appears to be video editing going on, and questions are arising as to what the mainstream media is involved in. Are these rallies being staged to prevent additional public events of her having seizures? Others are making arguments that […]