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The Split is Coming

Socrates has been projecting political upheaval which began with the 2016 election where Trump took the presidency against all odds. The press was always covering Trump and ignored the other Republican candidates because they were trying to manipulate the election back then. They assumed Trump was a joke so they covered him all the time. […]

2020 coup d’etat

‘ QUESTION: Martin, I agree with the following historic comments you’ve said over the past few weeks…  This election was the most corrupt in our country’s history.  The establishment is getting away with this fraud because the courts are compromised including SCOTUS.  We will likely never have another fair election. I’ll bet Trump agrees with […]

A World in a State of Total Confusion

While 17 states have joined Texas in their lawsuit against Pennsylvania for a fraudulent election, YouTube/Google and the new BigTech conspiracy against the people vow to delete any content claiming the election was tarnished in any way pronouncing Biden is the president-elect which is totally illegal for only the Electoral College can make that determination […]

Has CNN & ABC Become Concerned What if Trump Wins?

  Perhaps the evidence is piling up that Hunter was not just raking in money for pops, but he was seen as the means to buy your way into the White House. It has also come out in a book that President Obama’s White House was “bothered” by Hunter Biden’s ties to the Ukrainian energy […]

Politics is Often Stranger than Fiction

  Documents have surfaced that indicate Hunter Biden’s signature on a receipt for $85 at a Delaware computer The Mac Shop where he dropped off laptops that included details of his international business deals and photos. The New York Post reported that Hunter Biden’s laptop was abandoned at the computer shop in April 2019 for […]

The Last Debate

Well, this debate was much more professional. The moderator did a much better job and appeared to actually act like a journalist for once, not like the first debate. The question about Joe Biden’s corruption involving his son Hunter Biden’s overseas business deals came to the surface. Trump said: “Don’t give me this stuff about […]

Twitter & Facebook Censoring the Truth

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You went from the most renowned economist in the world to a conspiracy theorist and now you are being regarded as the guy who really had the sources about the virus. Your sources about Russia and Ukraine turned out to be true. Your career is a cycle in itself. It has taught […]

Welcome to the next 2 years of Sheer Madness

QUESTION: You do not think given the present animosity between the 2 parties, it would be best to let the Democrats win? If you consider the KAOS for example fallowing a republican win, wouldn’t It be best to let the communists win, give them 4 years to destroy the economy, & any chance they will […]

Is COVID-19 Over?

It’s incredible how quickly the media can spin the narrative. Two weeks ago, the media labeled anyone who dared to step foot outside as a psychopathic grandmother killer. Now, they’re urging the masses to gather by the thousands to take part in a revolution. Even Joe Biden announced plans to attend the public funeral for […]

The Impeachment Trial to Influence the 2020 Election

QUESTION: You do not have comments on the impeachment trial? HS ANSWER: Comments are just my OPINION, which is irrelevant to forecasting. This is just a topless mud-wrestling show that reveals the hypocrisy in Washington that is disgusting. Trump will not be impeached, and this is all staged in a desperate attempt to influence the […]