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IMF Tried to keep Floor on Interest Rates at 0.5%

  Tthe IMF said it is introducing a floor of 0.05 percent for the interest rate on Special Drawing Rights (SDRs). The IMF’s move shows how global financial conditions are heading into never-never-land. Just how are these governments going to handle the Great Recession? Will rates go to -10% to achieve stimulus? What they do not […]

Dow to Rise with Higher Interest Rates not Lower

QUESTION:   I’m just wondering how the stock markets can go up into a rapid bubble in 2015 -17, if the bonds are going to collapse in Oct. of ’15? do you still stand by your call for stocks to go so high this year? oil is going to go too cheap., and it would seem […]

Negative Interest Rates – Brain-dead Thinking that Will Implode the World

The entire problem we have with this proposal of negative interest rates first put forth by Larry Summers, is that this is another means for bankers to make a fortune through theoretical stimulus that will never reach the public. This crazy idea will have a DEFLATIONARY drag on the entire economy and threaten to tear […]

Julius Caesar & Debt Crisis – Negative Interest Rates?

The Debt Crisis of 49BC that set off a Civil War I have written about in detail. Much of what the public was led to believe centered around politics and Cicero casting Julius Caesar as a power-hungry dictator. Anything but that image was correct. Cicero was on the wrong side and I collected all the […]

Greek Interest Rates Hit 21.68% on the 3 year

The Greek crisis began exactly on the Pi turning date to the day. Now, Greek demand for gold coins is rising as common citizens worry that Greece will exit the Euro. They have been taking cash out of the banks hoarding and buying gold coins as well according to the U.K. Royal Mint. But the bulk […]

Dow to Rise with Higher Interest Rates

  The Dow held our Weekly Bearish Reversal at 17722. We warned that “The main bank of support begins at the 16300 area. A weekly closing beneath 17722 will shift the market into a basing mode.” There appears to be in place a consolidation phase with the Dow churning back and forth until May. We […]

Draghi – Negative Interest Rates pass-on by German Banks

Those in government maintain a completely delusional view of the world which is the central part of the crisis that we face. Everyone else pays the price for it and this is no longer just brilliantly entertaining. This modern-day monetary delusion persists both inside central banks as well as within the halls of the elected representative […]

Swedish Central Bank Lowers Interest Rates to Zero%

The Swedish Riksbank (central bank) has cut its key interest rate to zero percent. With this quantitative easing monetary policy the central bank is desperately trying to stimulate borrowing to fight deflation. The key interest rate was lowered by a quarter percentage point where experts had only expected a decrease to 0.1 percent. The Swedish Riksbank hopes […]

ECB Negative Interest Rates Sends Money into Dollars

European Banks are now threatening companies with negative interest rates (penalty) when they want to simply park assets in money houses at short notice. Complaints about this practice are starting to rise quietly behind the curtain, which including operations such as airlines. According to our sources, several banks are beginning to levy this negative penalty interest upon […]

Low to Negative Interest Rates Force Investment in Private Assets – the Cycle Inversion

Perhaps the most perplexing aspect of the current equity trend that is not well understood has been the development of private investment by governments. Strangely enough, the development of the euro has totally disrupted the world monetary system for this has created a period of dramatic capital concentration in US dollar debt as the real […]