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Illinois Supreme Court Rules Against Pensions

The Illinois Supreme Court has used STRICT CONSTRUCTION to defend the State against State Employee pensions that have been bankrupting the State. Previously, back in 2014, the  Supreme Court ruled that health care benefits provided to state employees were a “permanent benefit” guaranteed by the state constitution. That has led to a complete disaster as healthcare […]

Will Spain be the First to Default on Pensions?

The Pension Crisis is brewing rapidly and we will begin to see this make headlines much more so around the world. There is hardly a country not in trouble (Norway the exception), where pensions are underfunded as governments have relied upon tax revenue. As the crisis in Spain brews, it will be the pension crisis […]

EU Preparing for the Banking Crisis

Subtly, the EU is looking to establish preparations for the coming banking crisis and how to protect the banks from massive withdrawals. The solution? The EU wants to be able to temporarily free up credits for the banks and at the same time to freeze bank deposits, In other words, like Greece, you just won’t be able […]

The Coming Pension Rehabilitation Administration

  Remember the S&L Crisis, well welcome to the Pension Crisis. It is becoming well known behind the curtain that we have a global pension crisis. I first reported this event more than 15 years ago. This at the WEC, we had more than 10 major pension funds attending from around the world. The crisis has […]

Monetary Crisis & How to Trade a Vertical Market WEC 2017

This Year’s WEC in Orlando we will focus on the Monetary Crisis Cycle starting in 2018, the Sovereign Debt Crisis also to begin heating up in 2018, and the Pension Crisis. How each will impact the future and the markets moving forward will be the key topic. Our audiences typically reflect more than $3 trillion […]

ECB Negative Rate Experiment May Lead to the Worst Financial Crisis in Modern History

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Your proposition that the quantity of money theory is dead seems to be a true earth shattering perspective. It certainly disproves the Austrian School and the events post 2008 support your statement. The European Central Bank is supposed to traditionally pursue the goal of monetary stability. The Germans have followed the Austrian […]

UK Pension Fund Insolvency Soars by 30% in a Single Year

The London Sunday Times business section headline demonstrates what is really facing us and governments implode. Public sector pensions liability surged 30% in a single year due to low bond yields. It is not possible for the UK to fund £1.8 trillion. The first course of action will be, as always, raise taxes. That is […]

European Banks – The Next Crisis – The Unseen Cause in Plain View

The clouds have not lifted from the heart of the financial center within the European Union on the continent. The origin of the next crisis is unseen yet in plain view if you care to look. Ten years since the financial crisis of 2007-2009, the core fundamental problems in the banking sector have not yet […]

Refugee Crisis Tearing Europe Apart

The European Commission is close to triggering Article 7 on Poland for refusing to accept refugees. Article 7 is called the “nuclear option” that denies a member the right to vote.  The Commission is reported to be preparing infringement proceedings against Warsaw for breaching EU law over its plans to bring the judiciary under government […]

The Refugee Crisis is now Causing Migration of Youth to America

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I read your report that the politicians we have here in Europe think they need these refugees to pay future pensions. I read that the IMF has also confirmed your reporting. I understand you also meet with government. Do they ever listen to you that they are destroying our countries here in […]