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The Coming Crisis – What to Watch?

QUESTION: Dear Martin – We owe your respect for what you are doing and I wanna say thanks for educating your followers like me. With the issue of this growing international crisis, are you able to provide ideas on what the triggers maybe when it begins to come out of the surface? What can we […]

Could the Fed Ever Exit the Repo Market?

It is stunning how after more than three months, the analysis on the repo market is still nowhere close to reality. I believe that those in the trenches are, like me, afraid to really explain what is taking place for fear they will be blamed for creating a financial panic. The popular explanation in September […]

How Will Europe Respond to Being the Source of the Crisis?

QUESTION: Dear Martin, You have discussed the structural design flaw in the euro being due to the lack of consolidation of EU countries’ debt, as well as, EU policies that prohibit bank bailouts. Why could EU policies regarding the prohibition of bank bailouts just not be changed to allow for bailouts? If I understand correctly, […]

Why the Repo Report Must Remain Private

I am asking everyone to please refrain from telling the world what is really taking place. Only the core people involved in high-level finance understand the risks and can see what is unfolding. It is just that I am the only one who can speak right now. There are even central banks that are still grasping […]

Understand What is the Repo Market

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong and thank you for what you are doing for us regular people. For my first ever question for you, would you please explain as simply as possible exactly what the REPO market is and how it works and how it affects our multi-faceted financial world. I am truly grateful for your work […]

How Empires Die Report

The Fate of Europe Report

Population Crisis

Bond Bubble Institutional Report

The Institutional Report on world bond markets will be going out for year-end. Given the seriousness of the Repo Crisis, this report has been timed to deal with the real crisis that confronts the institutional bond investors.  This covers in detail the European, North American, and Asia bond markets. This is part of the Institutional […]

Repo & Disinformation

QUESTION #1: Would you comment on Zoltan Pozsar of Credit Suisse calling this QE4 for year-end. QUESTION #2: Martin, You said that the Fed didn’t raise rates a few days ago because the Repo crisis won’t let them. Interestingly, Trump hasn’t blasted Fed chairman Powell for not lowering rates more over the past few weeks. Do […]