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The Other Side of a Phase Transition

QUESTION: Dear Marty, Whether in a Phase-transition or a Slingshot Move in the Dow, you made it very clear that such moves will be driven by capital inflows to the USA due to the alternative flight to quality to the private sector, both internationally and domestically. It is now just so obvious, it is unfolding […]

Why Are the U.S. Elections So Important?

Those in Washington like to blow their own horn by claiming the American president is the “leader of the free world,“ but all they do is talk among themselves and the journalists covering politics in Washington who do not actually investigate anything. Let’s just look at this chart as if it were a market. Notice that […]

Markets in Review for the Close of Q1 2016

When you have a consistent system that is running on absolutely everything around the world, you can simply look at it dispassionately and judge everything by the same standards. In gold, euro, Canadian dollar, DAX, and many other markets, we generally moved to weekly, monthly and/or quarterly reversals and then stopped shy of electing them. This typically reflects […]

The Interconnected Fractal Nature of Everything Causes Negative People to Lose Everything

QUESTION: Marty, you have said since the S&P 500 and the NASDAQ took out last year’s low and the Dow did not, it does not necessarily imply the Dow must do so since it is international compared to the others being domestic. You said that crude had to close below $35 at year end or […]

Looking at the Future Clearly

QUESTION: Marty; I couldn’t stop reading the new Gold Report. All I can say is WOW. Thanks for showing your $5,000 target is not just pulled out of thin air like everyone else. It is always the interplay that determines the trend. This blows away the typical garbage analysis. Nothing can be looked at by […]

Republican Party Civil War of Self-Destruction

As we head into 2017, we are looking at the entire world coming undone at the seams. The year 2017 will be the political year from hell because the trend that is unfolding is global. The establishment Republicans are fighting for control of the party to ensure Trump does not get the nomination. Some even […]

Outrageous Reports of Republicans Engaged in Voter Fraud to Stop Trump

Widespread polling booth and ballot malfunctions in several states bring into question the integrity of our voting system. By lunchtime on Super Tuesday, Election Protection, a nonpartisan coalition of groups that run election-day hotlines, said their hotline had received more than 1,000 calls. The majority of calls came from Alabama, Georgia, and Texas. Voters in Williamson County, Texas, […]

Value Investing – Good or Bad?

QUESTION: Do you think value investing is viable in today’s chaotic markets? Much appreciated KB ANSWER: No. Value investing has been a recipe for wild swings. If you do not have the stomach for long-term then it is not something to get involved in. It should also be noted that it resulted in bankruptcy pre-World […]

Gold & Ratios: Are They Really Worth Much?

QUESTION:  Dear Martin , I had been following the the various gold bug theories since 2009 but became disillusioned after 2011 until I came across your site . What you say makes sense and something I trust , however there is still one issue I am struggling to understand . When gold spiked during the […]

Does the Dow Need to Break the 2015 Low or Did the S&P 500 Fulfill That Requirement?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, since the S&P did break last year’s low, does that qualify for a slingshot if the Dow does not? Thank You for all you do GW ANSWER: We do not have to make a new low in the Dow. The S&P 500 penetrating last year’s low was sufficient. We are approaching our […]