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Kamala’s Economic Plan Will Destroy the US Economy & Lead to Food Shortages

  Kamala Harris’ father was basically a radial communist. She is not far from her father’s ideas, any more than Bill Gates is different from his father’s fears of population when he created Planned Parenthood and stuck them in minority areas to reduce the population of blacks. No matter how many times Socialism has been […]

The UN Takes Step Forward to Create a ONE WORLD Government

The United Nations is a SERIOUS threat to our future, and not only should the United States withdraw from the UN, it should be thrown out of New York City. The Biden Administration REFUSES to seek peace with Russia and has NO INTENTION of negotiating with Russia. That effectively says the United Nations is just […]

The Confusion over Quantitative Easing

There has been so much disinformation and sensationalizing of Quantitative Easing that this has led to academic economists who lack any trading experience to propose Modern Monetary Theory for its seems nobody actually comprehends what the hell is really going on. Much of the problem stems from this ancient theory that if you increase the […]

Yellen’s Gimmick to Cut Interest Expenditures – Treasury QE

Clinton’s Gimmick Shifting to Short-term Funding to Reduce Interest Expenditures. I wrote as a guest columnist for the Wall Street Journal back on April 19, 1995, dealing with an issue that seemed to go over everyone’s head. At the time, President Clinton (1993-2001) was able to balance the budget, and nobody seemed to understand how […]

Global Wealth Tax for Climate Change

Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva is backing a global coalition along with the G20 nations to implement a global wealth tax. Lula believes there must be a 2% minimum tax on wealthiest 3,000 individuals, worldwide, in order to redirect those funds into climate change initatives. Finance ministers believe this could raise up to […]

We Need a Constitutional Amendment to Expel a State Like New York and California

There has long been a question presented in society circles, not courts, about the legal secession of a state. The only comment on this from anyone in the Supreme Court was a letter from Justice Scalia to a movie producer on the subject. He mentions that there is no right to secede, for that was […]

Ursula Vows to Protect Taiwan – Trump Vows to Charge Them for Protection

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has vowed to support Taiwan in securing impudence from China if re-elected. “The Indo-Pacific has become a decisive region for the world’s future,” she noted, stating that Europe will work with South Korea, Japan, Australia, and New Zealand to protect Taiwan. “This includes our collective efforts to deploy […]

How To End Ukrainian War in 5 minutes

When Yugoslavia broke up, it did so along ethnic lines. This is why the West is waging World War III because they hate Russians when there is no difference here between Yugoslavia and Ukraine. The Donbas should have been allowed to separate, for that is the fundamental human right that the West is ignoring, claiming […]

Project 2025: The Breakdown

Over the past few weeks, as we head into the presidential election, Project 2025 has come up in more and more conversations. “If we vote for Trump, that means we are supporting Project 2025. If we vote Biden, we are in support of going to war and innocent lives being taken.” It has been non-stop […]

Separatist Calls Grow Louder from Taiwan

Taiwan President Lai Ching-te has been deemed a “dangerous separatist” by the Chinese Communist Party.  China has long-stated its desire for “peaceful unification” with Taiwan, which the CCP considers part of China. China issued new guidelines on lethal ramifications for separatist sentiments, leading to louder retaliation from Ching-te. Xinhua news agency, operated by the CCP, […]