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New Zealand & the Hunt for Taxes

QUESTION:  Hi Martin, Firstly I appreciate your insight into world events. I don’t see anyone else coming even close to what you do. In New Zealand we are facing an election and taxation is a big topic. Labour on the left has appointed a new, young, female leader who has wide appeal. She is hedging […]

Canada’s Hunt for Taxes – Trudeau’s Destruction of the Canadian Economy

The Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is doing his best to send Canada into the Dark Age. He is clearly a Marxist and has targeted small business which creates 70% of all employment. He said “I want to be clear,” at the Liberal party’s recent caucus gathering in Kelowna. “People who make $50,000 a year should […]

The Unconstitutionality of Progressive Income Taxes – It is Time to Force the Supreme Court to Rule to Stop a Revolution in the Wings

How is it possible that we can have legalized class warfare and politicians run on extorting the rich at gun point with threat of imprisonment if they do not pay their “fair share” which is somehow a higher percentage than everyone else and this miraculously does not violate Equal Protection and Justice for All? The […]

Australia Hates Foreigners – Now Their Property Taxes Are Doubled if you are Not Australian

New South Wales in Australia has doubled property taxes for foreign real estate buyers. Of course this violates international law, but governments are broke and they are doing their best to destroy the world economy from every which direction. The politicians are responding to Australians who see foreign buyers of property causing a real estate […]

The Right to Vote Should Attach to Only Those Who Pay Taxes

There is a rising tide that many people are not paying attention to. That is the rising unrest among the youth. The problem with allowing the youth to vote on economic issues is simply they want to rob others so they have their free world of education, spring breaks, and parties. In Britain, they have […]

Taxes & Disasters – Always Repeat

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You wrote that the 1906 San Francisco earthquake resulted in the Panic of 1907 and laid the foundation for creating the Federal Reserve. I was also told that the Kobe earthquake in Japan is what resulted in the Barclay’s loss. Is this why you also input natural disasters into your model? Has […]

Fines – Civil Asset Forfeitures – Taxes

When I was a kid, most police were kind, respectful, and actually there to protect society. Sure, there was some towns that were just greedy. My father took a local post as a judge in Cinnaminson, New Jersey. It was the politicians who told him they want the maximum fine for everything. My father refused […]

IMF Proposed a Capital Levy – Tax on Money in Bank Accounts & Raise Property Taxes

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is always the cheerleader to raise taxes to support government. They are instructing Germany to raise taxes and also talking about just imposing a 10% tax on all money that deposits in banks throughout Europe. Yes – you read that one correctly. The IMF has told Germany it should raise […]

The Hunt for Taxes is Global

Taxes are the root of all evil for this is the confrontation against the people that historically leads to civil unrest and then revolution. The American and French Revolutions were over taxes. Historically, even the Roman Empire was forced from time to time to grant tax amnesty as was the case in 119AD. You even […]

Italy to Raise Taxes to Satisfy Brussels – Why the Euro Will Fail

  The European Union (EU) has been pushing Italy for a very long time to reduce its deficit. Of course, governments are never capable of reducing their own expenditure. This results going in only one direction – raising taxes. Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni had to agree on the concrete measures. The bill is now being discussed […]