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French Prime Minister: "The European Project Can Fail…"

The French Prime Minister, Manuel Valls, said at DAVOS: “The European project can fail if we cannot resolve the security and the issue of refugees.” The idea behind the euro was that a single currency would expand the European economy and allow for free movement. That dream is coming to an end for they see […]

The Euro & 2017 — The Beginning of the End

The closing for the euro at 10869 provided the long-term Yearly Bearish Reversal that we have cited throughout the year: “We have Yearly Bearish Reversals at 11645 and 10365. So the 116 level will remain as reactionary resistance this year and the 10365 level is key support just below the current low of 10460.” The […]

The European Army Loyal to Brussels Only

The EU is using the Muslim invasion and Paris attack as a means to achieve its dream of federalizing Europe. They are now moving to create a European Army, answerable only to Brussels. This has been the agenda all along. They will get there. It’s just a question of the media manipulating the public into […]

The Euro Year-End Closing Below 116.40

A simple year-end closing below 116.40 in the euro confirms that a broader correction is in motion; the earliest potential low is in 2018 with the potential to extend into 2021. A closing ABOVE 105.03 will suggest a brief pause, and 103.00 will be absolutely critical to support next year. Major overhead resistance will be extremely strong […]

Gold & the Euro

QUESTION: Marty, it is amazing how these markets gravitate to your number like the 1043 in gold and 10530 in the Euro. You said at the conference we should watch the gold benchmarks like bookends and the bounce into the first warns of an opposite trend. Which week are you now looking for the turn? […]

Why the Euro Is A Dead Currency

  I have been warning that government can do whatever it likes and declare anything to be be a criminal act. In the USA, not paying taxes is NOT a crime, failing to file your income tax is the crime. The EU has imposed the first outright total asset reporting requirement for cash, jewelry, and anything […]

Le Pen vs Merkel & Hollande at the European Parliament Le Pen warns that France is subservient to Germany. She stands for independence and sovereignty, which is the cornerstone of the French Constitution. Hollande argues that they are creating a single Europe because of two wars, but he cannot see that this dictatorship is indeed creating massive discontent, which creates the risk of war. […]

Deutsche Bank Is Part of the Euro Crisis

QUESTION: Do you think they will allow Deutsche Bank to fail? ANSWER: This is why the central bank of Germany advised the ECB to hide the stress test results from the public. This is, at least in part, why the Fed did not raise rates at this moment. There is serious trouble on the horizon. They cannot prevent […]

The Euro and Why the Dollar Will Not Be Dethroned

In the Eurozone, Mario Draghi has announced that his quantitative easing has failed to produce inflation as everyone assumed. After nine months of buying various government debt, the economy is still contracting and their inflated inflation numbers are coming in at .01%. Draghi has announced that they will now buy 33% of government debt issues, […]

Say Goodbye to the Euro by 2016?

Politicians never get enough and never tell the truth. Perhaps they are right and can fool the people in general. Expect this move soon in your country. They are pretending they need to grab every phone call, text, and email for terrorism when in fact they are hunting money. So what do you do when […]