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Britain to Impose COVID Passports

Honestly, I am at a loss for how the British politicians are standing by and allowing Boris Johnson to singlehandedly destroy their economy and their future without so much as a whimper from Parliament. Britain has lost all sense of decency and is dangerously marching down the path of tyranny not witnessed since Edward Long […]

Fake News Knows What It is Doing

COMMENT: I wrote to the ________ news and pointed out that you had a computer model that beat all the models that Gates-funded to use to create these lockdowns. They never responded. HJ ANSWER: Oh it is worse than that. One of the top five newspapers in the world wanted to write a story about […]

The Real Danger of BigTech Censorship

  When the oligarchs assassinated Caesar and Cicero put out a never-ending onslaught against Gaius Julius Caesar (100-44 BC), Brutus (85-32 BC) issued a coin promoting that he killed Caesar on the Ides of March for the people. This was an early propaganda coin. However, in fact, the people supported Caesar against the oligarchy. The […]

Market Talk – April 22, 2021

ASIA: India has raised concerns over United States putting it on a monitoring list of currency manipulators. Last week, the U.S. Treasury Department put India along with 10 other economies including Singapore, Thailand and Mexico on the “Monitoring List” that it said required close attention to their currency practices. India’s trade ministry official said India’s […]

Market Talk – April 20, 2021

ASIA: China on Tuesday kept the one-year loan prime rate (LPR) unchanged at 3.85% and five-year LPR at 4.65%. That was in line with predictions from a majority of traders and analysts in a Reuters poll, who had expected no change to either the one-year or five-year LPR. India will waive its 10% customs duty […]

Madoff is Dead – The Great NY Cover-UP

Bernie Madoff died on April 14, 2021, at the Federal Medical Center in the federal prison in Butner, North Carolina, of the US Bureau of Prisons. A cause of death was not released, but it was probably kidney failure. In February 2020, Madoff had petitioned the courts for an early release from prison, stating that […]

How Did “COVID Denier President” John Magufuli Die?

Tanzanian President John Magufuli went missing at the end of February 2021. For 18 days, the president’s whereabouts were unknown until he was pronounced dead on March 17, 2021. Global media headlines of the seemingly healthy 61-year-old’s death marked him a “COVID Denier President,” and his reported cause of death ranged from heart failure to […]

Stacking the Court Pelosi Backs Down

COMMENT: Marty; your piece on the Supreme Court made a difference. Printouts were circulating around the hill. Pelosi refused to bring it to a vote because all she has is a two vote majority. Great job. PJ REPLY: Nice to hear. But as in 1937, there were Democrats that would not go along with that […]

Resistance is not Futile – it is Inevitable

Comment from Ireland: It seems your 2018 article was correct & more or less on time. “From a cyclical perspective, if we begin on August 15th, 1969, then we are concluding a 51.6-year wave on 2021.2219178, which will be March 22nd. It is lining up with the Economic Confidence Model and the Monetary Crisis Cycle. Therefore, […]

Veritas Exposes CNN & They Have Blood on their Hands for Creating a Fear & Panic

  Project Veritas has exposed CNN for what it truly is – an anti-American propaganda machine intent upon overthrowing everything we thought our future would be. They single-handedly escalated the “FEAR” over COVID to get rid of Trump. However, in the process, they sealed the fate of the entire world and handed it to Klaus […]