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2013 Budget Reveals the Catastrophic Collapse of our Entire Economic System The President’s 2013 Budget is out and it should be stated that there is no forecasting ability incorporated in this report. The projections are based on the assumption that what is in motion stays in motion. So the increase in interest expenditures that they freely show here will exceed all nondefense spending in the […]

Asia – The Coming New Financial Capital of the World

Asia – The Coming New Financial Capital of the World   One of the most significant advantages of gathering historical information on the rise and fall of nations throughout history, has been the discovery of the true nature of the world economy and its interactions with mankind. Nothing lasts forever. There are four seasons to […]

World at a Glance

One of the primary mistakes that the Federal Reserve is making has been to follow the same policy of Japan with exceptionally low interest rates. While the theory that lower interest rates will stimulate borrowing, the false assumptions are many. (1) banks will pass on the savings, (2) they ignore the devastation imposed upon the […]

Rediscovery of the Business Cycle

  The Rediscovery of the Business Cycle In 1978, former Chairman of the Federal Reserve made it clear in a publication the Charles C. Moskowitz Memorial Lectures stating: “The Rediscovery of the Business Cycle – is a sign of the times. Not much more than a decade ago, in what now seems a more innocent […]

Weekly Update for 9/15/2012

Germany’s Top Court Gives Green Light Germany’s top constitutional court, as expected, rejected efforts to block a permanent Eurozone rescue fund.  They dismissed motions that sought to block the European Stability Mechanism but did rule that their contribution of $240 billion could not be increased without legislative approval.  Germany was the last county to ratify […]

QE3 Confirms The Economic Implosion

  Copyright Martin Armstrong All Rights Reserved September 13, 2012 QE3 Confirms The Economic Implosion There is little doubt that the economy will not recover any time soon and QE3 proves that trend is in motion in addition to it being election time. The push to hunt down capital on a global scale is creating […]


The Federal Reserve has actually done something at last worthy of note. They indicated that they will provide more stimulus for the faltering economy, taking aim now at driving down mortgage rates. The Fed said it will buy $40 billion of mortgages per month in an attempt to desperately foster a recovery in the real estate […]

US Preparing for Civil Unrest

About two weeks ago, the US Special Forces Command was in Minneapolis with a slew of special ops guys and black hawks, conducting “urban war games”… they didn’t advise the public, and so people were calling the police when black hawks were buzzing around the skyscrapers downtown Minneapolis, landing on the roof of the Federal […]

Stagflation – Higher Unemployment with Inflation

The Disappointing jobs growth showing poor figures boosted optimism that the Federal Reserve will act to stimulate the economy next week. The nonfarm payrolls report, which showed job growth of only 96,000 last month, came a day after bold action by Europe to stem the debt crisis drove the US share markets higher with the […]

Money Supply

Part of the argument that is made to support a gold standard is that money should be tangible. That will never fly today for nobody knows what constitutes even the money supply. During the 1960s, if you bought a US savings bond, you could not go to the bank and borrow on it, This was […]