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Bitcoin Still in Trouble

The rally in BitCoin was a perfect 13 weeks up from the last strategic low. It peaked with the Weekly Array the week of 12/18 which was both a Panic Cycle and a Directional Change. However, with the impending ban in South Korea on trading cryptocurrencies, the high of December appears to be at least […]

Understanding Cycles & Dynamic Interconnectivity

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I really do not think the world respects your work. I read on your blog there was going to be a bad flu from Australia that would hit Britain. Then a few days later, the headline here is all about what you forecast. You really have to go public and let people […]

BRICS the Rise & Fall

The first thing to go when a country is moving into economic crisis is the arts. This is intermixed with various social programs. As the economic crisis broadens, demand for taxing the rich rise. However, all this accomplishes is to cause capital to hide and hoard even more refusing to invest or spend and this […]

Market Talk – December 22nd, 2017

Most core Asian indices finished in a positive note with KOPSI recovering some of yesterdays losses but also helped by a warmer rhetoric of language. The Hang Seng traded well following better Technology share performance, but these gains could arguably be reversed flowing BITCOIN price activity seen later in the trading day. Volumes were again […]

Bitcoin To Be or Not to Be?

QUESTION: Hi Martin, Despite the Bitcoin fanboys arguing that Bitcoin is untouchable by governments, would you agree that once governments, in particular, the Chinese government, make it unlawful to own Bitcoins, the additional introduction of proceeds-of-crime legislation would make it extremely difficult, if not impossible, to use Bitcoins to acquire assets, and dealing a permanent blow […]

Bitcoin Phase Transition or Plateau Move?

Hackers have managed to get $70 million worth of Bitcoin, revealing the risk of all electronic forms of money to which cryptocurrencies are not exempt. The prices keep soaring and requests to add it to Socrates have been coming in so we are complying. With the futures about to begin, this should make it a more […]

Politicians & Kicking the Can Down the Road

QUESTION: Hi Marty, Thank you for replying to my earlier question about The Crash & No Bid. It as very insightful towards the mechanics of markets. I have a new question for you regarding how Politicians “kick the can” as long as they can expecting the next people in line to pick up the tab… and […]

Is Cryptocurrency a Government Plot?

  QUESTION: You have said that the future will be cryptocurrencies. The Bank of Canada has come out and acknowledged what you have been saying that such private issue challenges the government’s profit structure. Do you think electronic money will be viable sooner or later down the road? PG ANSWER: Electronic currency is ALREADY the bulk of […]

Remaining EU Member will have to pay 15% More upon BREXIT

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; All the news here in Britain is always how bad it will be if we leave the extortion ring in Brussels. You have mentioned that we are the biggest market for German cars. What will Brexit do to the EU? Thanks GD ANSWER: Once the British exit from the EU “extortion” ring as […]

At Last – Clinton Foundation Gets Investigated

What goes around, comes around. The Washington Post has reported that the Department of Justice has instructed the US Attorney’s Office to investigate the controversial sale of a uranium group to Russia during the presidency of Barack Obama and the role of the Clinton Foundation. The Obama administration approved the deal in 2010 giving Moscow control […]