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The True Story of Hyperinflation

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, could you please explain what happens in technical terms from a capital flow perspective, when confidence is lost and hyperinflation starts to begin? For example Turkey. When Erdogan was elected i think you wrote that ever since the lira started dropping. So confidence in politics is key. Do you think one […]

Mike Pence – The Neocon GOP Presidential Candidate

Former Vice President Mike Pence plans to run in the 2024 US Presidential Election with the goal of pushing the nation into a global conflict. Part of his rhetoric is bashing former President Trump for having diplomatic relations with Russia, despite working under him for four years. If elected, Pence said he plans to offer […]

Hypocrisy of our Time

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, Your economic confidence model is too good for the corrupt Noble Prize. I have been following you since 1983. Your research into the shift in confidence between the people and government is so in your face today, I can see why you said the dollar may not last beyond 2029. It is […]

Anti-Religious Left Targets Muslims

The anti-religious left originally set their targets on the “Christian extremists” who were ruining America. The far-left originally left Muslims out of the argument because they thought Trump’s refugee ban on Islamic nations would lead to votes for the Democrats. Since everything the woke agenda stands for goes against Islam, the left has turned on […]

The Democrats are Silencing RFK

The Democrats are afraid of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. He is exposing the truth behind their lies, and the powers that be are silencing him. YouTube has begun scrubbing videos featuring RFK from their site as they with anyone who questioned the pandemic. He already has a massive platform from his famous father and uncle. […]

Has the World Simply Gone Mad?

 The indictment of Trump federally confirms what our computer has been warning about for the 2024 election – there will be none – at least a fair one at that. Never has any former president running for office been targeted and the Department of Justice has been completely weaponized. All for documents that he clearly […]

US Voters Want Economic Growth over Equality

Inflation has hurt everyone. It is no surprise that a recent poll by Rasmussen Reports indicates that US voters are now prioritizing economic growth of equality. The latest survey found that 64% of voters favor policies that contribute to economic growth, while only 27% said they prioritized economic fairness. In 2019, before the last election, […]

Biden Backed BlackRock’s Push for the ESG

(images directly from BlackRock’s website – click on them to enlarge) The first bill that President Joe Biden vetoed was a bill intended to dissolve the ESG climate social credit score. The bill passed 50-46 in the Senate before being destroyed by Biden. Out of all the issues facing America, Biden chose to use his […]

Ukraine Preparing to Engulf the Entire World in Death & Carnage

Some people have been sending hate mail claiming I am a Putin supporter. My advice to you is to grab a gun and go volunteer to fight for Zelensky.  ALL my sources have been screaming from the beginning that this Ukrainian war has been instigated by the US which has been taken over by a […]

Mexico’s President v Ron DeSantis

President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) of Mexico is asking people to vote for a candidate who turns a blind eye to the US-Mexico border crisis. It is out of character for a world leader to dictate to his constituents how to vote in a foreign election, but migrants will be voting in the upcoming […]