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Market Talk — July 20, 2016

Japan finally saw a down day (-0.25%) that could be allocated to the individual performance of Nintendo shares, which declined over 12% today due to the delayed launch of the “Pokemon Go” app in Japan! However, the Hang Seng did return a nearly 1% gain today with Shanghai having a small loss, which was a […]

Market Talk — July 19, 2016

Some say the Nikkei is close to ending its bull run after seeing some impressive gains recently. However, after the long weekend we have seen yet another 1%+ gain, but that has yet to halt dealers still trying to call the top. A better performance than its peers as Shanghai and Hang Seng returned loses […]

Pro-Establishment Anti-Trump Elite Lose the Battle to Stop Trump on Day One

The pro-establishment, anti-Trump effort failed on the floor of the Republican Convention on day one. They were trying desperately to stop Trump as if they have any viable alternative other than some career politician to help keep the status-quo. John Kasich is an example of a career politician who really needs to be driven from office […]

Market Talk — July 18, 2016

Despite weekend press of Turkey, BREXIT and a small early CPI miss for New Zealand (0.4% against an expected 0.5%) and with Japan on a national holiday, all of this resulted in a rather lacklustre start to the week. Shanghai saw a fairly tight trading range (<1%), closing off the days lows but still down […]

Britain & the German Hyperinflation

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I was against BREXIT. I understand your view that Britain would be dragged under by the turmoil in Europe. I assume this is just your opinion on that matter. Are you contradicting yourself here? REPLY: No. It is not my “opinion” that perhaps Britain would be sent into an economic decline with Europe. Britain has […]

The Week in Review – July 11, 2016

The world economy is clearly causing the fundamentalists to flip-flop endlessly. They offer only opinions, and these are the times that will break the reasoning of men and try their very judgments. We have entered the phase where unless you comprehend capital flow analysis, you stand little chance of surviving the remaining years as we […]

May Becomes PM in Britain & Boris Becomes Foreign Secretary

Theresa May became the new Prime Minister of Britain on Wednesday and formally met with the Queen to ask permission to lead her government. May is now embracing BREXIT as such members are dominating her cabinet and on top of that, May made the main Brexit campaigner Boris Johnson her foreign secretary. May is positioning […]

Nice Terror Attack Threatens European Uprising

Just the other day, Patrick Calvar, head of the General Directorate for Internal Security (DGSI), France’s equivalent of MI5 or the CIA, warned that in the aftermath of last year’s terrorist attacks on Paris, any further Islamic attacks might lead to a new French civil war. The total French population is 63.9 million people of which almost 10% […]

Market Talk — July 12, 2016

Having seen new highs made in the US markets overnight, Asia responded with its own rally coupled with an “Abeonomics” boost. With renewed support, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is expected to follow through with additional measures that many claim are required to help an aligning stock market, even if that means a weakening currency. […]

The Euro on the Brink of Disaster

  We are looking at the collapse of Europe unfold much faster than anyone suspected. I have been warning that the Continental EU banks are in serious trouble. The negative interest rates have devastated Europe. While trying to stimulate borrowers who are not interested without an opportunity to make money, the ECB has wiped out […]