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The Prospects of Trump & Will Democrats Split

QUESTION: I have two questions. First do you think there is any chance of this vote being reversed? Second, do you think the Democrats will split by 2022? WK ANSWER: This is extremely difficult. It will take the Supreme Court to stand up for what is right. As another client writes in: “Epstein didn’t kill […]

The Collapse in Confidence in Government Has Arrived

COMMENT: Dear Martin, I greatly appreciate all the hard work you do helping provide light to this mess all around us.  It would seem trump winning is a requirement for us to have any hope near term for staving off the worst of what’s to come.  I was hoping to have a question answered regarding the […]

Postponing Elections – The Plot Thickens

German Elections Postponement Here is the Wissenschaftliche Dienste report and it concludes if there is an epidemic, then they can postpone the elections. What is significant here is that they were even asked for an opinion. “The postponement of an election date once set within the time corridor can occur due to special, extraordinary circumstances. […]

No Biden Has not Won – The Electoral College Votes December 14

Mainstream media is naturally proclaiming Biden won. They may think they now run the country, but they do not declar5e the President – that’s the Electoral College. Trump has not conceded and with all the fraud with a razor-thin victory for Biden, he should not. Just in May 2020, a Judge confessed that he took […]

The Watermark & Hammer

I have received a lot of questions about this story of secret watermarks. I cannot verify anything of that nature. As far as switching votes, that is the major problem. I was told by a journalist in one of the top 5 newspapers, that they were INSTRUCTED there will be NO investigation stories into fraud. […]

This is Really the Most Corrupt Election in American History – Democracy Ends Where it Began

  Here is a video that was taken in Delaware county PENNSYLVANIA at camera number 7. This woman is filling out ballots for Biden. It is one thing when Obama won and you went about your life because not even he sought to change the structure of the United States. Here we have clear intentions […]

Censorship is the New Norm

  COMMENT: Just to inform – as feedback – that this blog post was removed from my feed on LinkedIn. This is now the second time LinkedIn has removed a post of yours from my LinkedIn feed. I have been a member and active poster on LinkedIn since 2009. Over those years I have probably […]

Massive Riots in Florence Italy – Europe Imposing Authoritarian Laws

There was a very serious uprising in Florence during demos against the Corona measures as reported by DWN. The “police officers acted particularly brutally against the demonstrators. The officers also beat bystanders.” The people are chanting “We want to work. We are hungry”. The EU lockdowns have already seriously reduced the food supply and their new […]

Saint Malachy Prophecy & End of Times in All Religions

COMMENT: Dear Marty Pope Francis is not the last pope Saint Malachy predicted as he shared one Pope office time with Benedict Unique in history). So it is as well very important that in Johns Revelations there is a chapter on the decline of the catholic church. Even more interesting are Marias prophecies in Fatima […]

Schwab & Soros Destruction of Western Culture

QUESTION: Dear Martin/AE team Thank you for your and/or your incredible team’s replies to my questions. I understand how incredibly busy you all are, and I am so grateful for your insights. I’m trying with your help to figure out what’s happening! Your work confirms that the rise and fall of great civilizations is a […]