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The Muslim Radical Fear Hitting Western Governments after Canada

The attack inside the Canadian Parliament by a radicalized Muslim born in Montreal has sent shivers down the spin of Western governments in Europe and America based on inside sources. According to Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), the gunman had recently applied for a passport, planning to travel to Syria to join ISIS. He was Michael […]

Canada Shook By Assault inside Parliament

Canada’s capital was attacked on Wednesday by the fatal shooting of a soldier and an attack on the parliament building after a gunman managed to get inside. The gunman in the parliament building was shot dead. The question is WHY? It would be nice if someone investigated and revealed the truth. Was the man just nuts? […]

The Dow October 22, 2014 & Bond Bubble

  The resistance in the Dow Jones Industrial Index for today stands in the mid 16700 zone on a technical basis. Targets in time for this week were Wed and Friday with the latter being the main target. ONLY a closing back above 17010 would signal that the low is in place for a broader term. […]

Too Big to Fail = Too Big to Exist

Several banks who are friendly and not the wild trading types, reported to us before that the Federal Reserve officials were visiting them warning that they needed to change their models. Now the Fed is warning banks that they MUST do more to curb excessive risk-taking. They have also been warned about the bogus claims […]

Serious Political Changes in the Wind for Germany

I have warned that economics changes everything. When there is a boom, people are fat and happy and war declines. When the economy crashes, you are faced with a serious problem. Either we will move to the extreme left and see a return of authoritarian states as we are moving toward, or we can swing […]

US Share Market

  The Dow closed higher with an inside day. The turning points this week seem to be Wednesday (minor) and Friday (main). A reaction high this week still points to a lower low perhaps for the week of November 3rd. It appears that the Phase Transition in stocks will be postponed into the downside of […]

The Dow Today in a Nutshell 10-15-2014

  We seem to be in a race to see who can ask government to hold their money. This is the classic flight to quality (i use that word loosely). The talk on the street is always trying to find a fundamental to fit to the price action. Plunging oil prices are signs to economic […]

Dow & 2015.75

QUESTION: Many thanks again for the stream of clarifying observations posted daily — hugely appreciated. I was struck when reading that 2015.75 could be a low.Would this not permit a drop to cross 11,750? And would such a resulting chart pattern not be remarkably bullish? In effect might not the drop be an amplified echo of that […]

So When Will We Know?

All year we have been warning that a Phase Transition is coming, but when could not be ascertained until after September 2014. At some point everything must flip. Why? Because this is a Sovereign Debt Crisis not the normal plain vanilla decline. This is why retail participation is at historic lows and liquidity is at […]

Will 2015 Break Germany?

While the German municipalities are short €118 billion euros for infrastructure repairs, reorganization of the German state finances may force even higher taxes. The German budget next year will see social spending is likely to exceed the €50 billion euros level. This will be more than the total business tax revenue in the nation. Everything […]