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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez & the New Democratic Socialists Call it a Victory to Lose 25,000 jobs

In addition to Elizabeth Warren running in 2020 on a platform of imposing a 3% wealth tax on all assets annually, Bernie Sanders has also thrown in his hat to run for President. We also have people who actually wanted Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to run for President arguing the 35 year age minimum was not fair. […]

Explaining the Fall of Western Society As We Know It

QUESTION: Western Civilization will collapse by 2032. I didn’t expect such a strong comment from you. Specifically, what does this mean? On the level of ancient Rome? Followed by the dark ages or just mediocrity and the rise of the East? GVH   ANSWER: There is a serious risk that after 2032, this will be very […]

Supreme Court will Take Up the Census Argument for 2020

The Supreme Court has agreed to hear the Trump administration’s plan to determine who is and who is not a U.S. citizen during the 2020 Census. The justices agreed Friday to squeeze the controversial case on to their April calendar, because the decennial Census questionnaire is scheduled for printing this summer. A federal district judge in New York struck […]

Karl Marx’s Grave Vandalized – Is this the Cyclical Turning Point from the 1848 Revolutions?

Karl Marx’s grave was selectively vandalized. Someone used a hammer to deface the monument. No other graves were attacked so it is clear this was a politically motivated incident in line with the rising economic tensions between the left and the right. The tomb of Karl Marx is located in London’s Highgate Cemetery. Marx had been […]

The Netflix Tax

I have warned that once one state taxes something, the idea spreads like a contagion. Illinois and California wanted to tax movies or anything you stream. Now, Georgia is looking at the same thing. This is all part of the economic decline. The states are broke. Their pensions are consuming everything. It is no longer about […]

Australia: One Foot in Asia v the West

QUESTION: Hello Martin Armstrong, Australia seems to have one foot in the West and one in the East. With the fall of the Western economies and then the rise of Asian economies, how does that affect the Australian economy? Does the real estate bubble collapse the Aussie economies and then the rise of China creates the […]

Al Gore’s Global Warming Deliberate Fraud to Increase Governmental Power

There is a serious question that no one wants to address. How did Al Gore create the global warming scare and earn hundreds of millions of dollars in the process? Before Al Gore, science was worried deeply about what we are experiencing today — global cooling. On April 28, 1975, Newsweek magazine published an article in which […]

At Last – Solar Minimum Discussions Begin

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; You are the only one with your computer that has correctly forecast the weather years in advance. I understand these are not some premonition of you on a personal level. That means putting the major trends together as you do actually produce results. My hat’s off to you. Cheers from bitterly cold UK […]

Stagflation Versus Hyperinflation

QUESTION: Reading your posts it seems to me you disagree with the pending hyperinflation forecasts.  What do you see coming then? PH ANSWER: Hyperinflation comes when two primary requirements are met: (1) there is a complete collapse in the confidence of the government; (2) the government can no longer borrow and can only create money to […]

How to Destroy Civilization by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

  Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez push for higher taxes to fund her Green New-Deal is just the tip of the iceberg. If the people who elected her really understood what she is calling for, just maybe they would come to their senses and throw her out in 2020. Her New Deal calls for the end of milk […]