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Russia’s Wheat Crop Fails?

The weather turned very cold this year as our computer has been forecasting. The importance of our model’s forecasts lies in determining what will be the next cycle focus. Each cycle tends to shift from one to the next sector. While we still risk a strong dollar rally into 2020 creating the economic recession through […]

The Crisis in Analysis – Is it Just Hopeless?

A new study has come out taking issue with the entire climate change forecasts putting forth that it is at best 45% as intense as the prognostications put forth. The greatest flaw is just how poor these people do their research. They are TOTALLY ignorant of any cyclical trend and project that if the temperature […]

Agriculture & Global Cooling

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Are you familiar with Professor Easterbrook of Western Washington University who agrees with you and is projecting a decline in temperatures for the next three decades? It seems that those who simply claim that it has been getting warmer live in a bubble of biased news. One even said to me that it […]

Wheat & the Drought Cycle

QUESTION: Interesting that $1.3T US spending bill was enacted on March 23, 2018, exactly 31.459 years after passage of US Tax Reform Act of 1986: Also, the 86 year cycle in drought conditions in the midwest US seems to approach – is this why Marty thinks wheat will bottom this year? The below Wikipedia link […]

Global Warming People will be the Harbingers of Death

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I too must agree that somehow we should put your computer in charge. You get the timing right on everything that includes disease and even weather. You have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that everything is connected. We have trade wars brewing and civil unrest with the prospect that war […]

The Mediterranean Sea Also Dried Up in the Past

QUESTION: Enjoyed your article on The Persian Gulf and climate change. In a related topic we did a field trip once to the South of Spain and saw whole cliff faces of gypsum at Sorbas near Almaria. This very thick layer of gypsum is evidence that the Mediterranean Sea had once totally dried up. One explanation is that […]

Persian Gulf – What Secrets Does it Hold?

COMMENT: Hi Marty, Climate Change: a great analysis as always. One point, if I may, is that no one really talks about the Persian Gulf, a shallow body of water, which most likely was dry land during the last Ice Age. Who knows what lies beneath, yet there is very little talk about exploring this area. […]

Canada Covering Up Global Warming Nuts Destroying the Water Supply

COMMENT:  When Government turns on its own citizens. Good day, Martin; This climate change movement here in Ontario, Canada has gone too far. Construction of windmills in a small farming area has contaminated 16 residential water wells with that destroyed the pumps and piping that feed water to farms rendering property values to almost nothing. Driving […]

When Did Global Warming Theory Begin?

Back in 1967, the International Global Atmospheric Research Program was established, mainly to gather data for better short-range weather prediction, but included climate. The following year, this was the beginning of biased studies which suggested that a possibility of a collapse of the Antarctic ice sheets would raise sea levels catastrophically. They put forth the idea that […]

California Counties Suing Exxon Commit Securities Fraud?

The Global Warming Conspiracy is desperately trying to destroy the world and end modern society as we know it. Of course, it is California countries who have argued in court bringing a lawsuit against Exxon and others claiming that by 2050, their towns will be destroyed and under water because of the fossil fuels. Exxon has […]