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Is Climate Change Caused Only by the Sun?

QUESTION: Do you think the entire climate change is caused by the sun? KS ANSWER: No. Nothing can be reduced to a single cause and effect. There is a 300-year cycle in the energy output of the sun. But solar minimum changes the output to greater intensity of gamma rays. This may be responsible for […]

Coming Famine?

QUESTION: I just want to be prepared. How long is the famine supposed to happen? 1-2 years? More? SD ANSWER: These lockdowns have already set in motion a reduction in the food supply. In the United States, there were temporary shortages of certain foods. You can see plenty of videos where farms lost 100% of […]

Endless Corruption Everywhere you Turn

COMMENT:  Good Morning Martin, We are all thoroughly disgusted about everything you blog about. Amazon’s policy on books is the beginning of the end (I hope) for Amazon. A breakup is obviously needed to make the company respectful to the people. Please consider this. Your new book “The Cycle of War and the Coronavirus” should […]

Your Questions

QUESTION #1: If China is held liable for the virus damage then why could we not void all the bonds they hold as a payment for their damage to our economy? That would free up some debt and be a stimulus as well it would seem to me. The CCP is working every day to […]

IMF’s New Bretton Woods Moment

COMMENT: The IMF & a new Bretton Woods? When are you going to admit that everything they are doing is because of you and your models? Fes-up! HC REPLY: I understand that it appears they have been following our models from the January 18, 2020 turning point to the Sovereign Debt Crisis and looking into […]

Twitter & Facebook Censoring the Truth

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You went from the most renowned economist in the world to a conspiracy theorist and now you are being regarded as the guy who really had the sources about the virus. Your sources about Russia and Ukraine turned out to be true. Your career is a cycle in itself. It has taught […]

World Economic Conference 2020 – Dec 4 & 5

This year’s World Economic Conference, which Nigel Farage called “the alternative to Davos,” will be held in Orlando on December 4 & 5. We had to cancel Shanghai and Frankfurt this year, but our arrangements with the hotel here in Orlando and politics have opened doors. We will not be able to accommodate the usual […]

Trump Tested Positive for Coronavirus

The Breaking news that President Trump and first lady Melania have tested positive for the coronavirus is unsettling. Previously, his closest aide, Hope Hicks, tested positive for coronavirus. It is likely that other top aides may also have been infected. As such, the White House operations are disrupted, to say the least going into the […]

Astronomical Phenomenon & Socrates

QUESTION: Hi Martin, Thank you so much for sharing the connections Socrates is making between seemingly unrelated ideas. I’m a high school/collegiate science teacher and am wondering if Socrates has identified any correlations between coming astronomical phenomenon (like lunar phases or planetary alignment) to war or the economy. The information you’ve provided on the Sun […]

Why Alberta Better Exit Canada & Fast!

COMMENT:  Dear Martin, I have followed your work for years now I want to thank you for your tireless efforts to provide insightful information, the world needs you and your information more than ever. I am writing to you because of the concern specific to Alberta, and Canada. If you want an example of a […]