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Reforming the Federal Reserve

QUESTION: In your Nov. 15 blog you said about the Fed “ I do not think in its present form it should be owned by banks collecting 6%. I would advocate a public float as is the case in Switzerland. Can you explain what that means, and how that works. Thank you I sincerely hope you continue […]

Who Owns the Fed?

The Federal Reserve is not owned by foreign banks, the Queen of England, the Rothschilds, or whomever. The shareholders are American banks. However, the Fed does pay 6% dividends to the private banks that own the shares. The Political Research Associates is a far more reliable source than the people who use bogus books with an agenda. […]

Portugal Refuses to Allow Elected Politicians to Take Office

COMMENT: Hi Marty, I’m another Englishman who is an avid reader of your blog and am very much looking forward to your ECM conference material later this year. As a European pouring thorough the continental news we are definitely seeing a reinforcing cycle of breakdown in government over the past few weeks and months. It […]

Debt Forgiveness / Cancellations

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; What do you think of the Biblical forgiveness of debt which this time was due with the turn of your model? ANSWER: Debt cancellation or forgiveness actually was a tradition that began under Sumerian rule in Mesopotamia. The Jewish tradition appears to have been adopted from the Sumerian. Do not forget that Abraham came from […]

Socialism v Capitalism

The debate for socialism is simply that they regard it as unfair when anyone has more than another does. The solution is always to rob someone else to improve your own life. If you take this philosophy as your own, then you rob others because they have more, which is no different than robbing someone […]

Iranian Army Keeps Much Underground

  The Middle East will clearly be the boiling point for this is a major Islamic confrontation between Shia and Sunni that is on par with the English Civil War between the Catholics and Protestants. When religion is involved, resolution is rarely achieved without bloodshed.

The Loss of All Liberty Is Coming Faster Than You Imagined

UK Prime Minister David Cameron reflects the serious problem we have with politicians. Politicians have ZERO respect for our human rights for they only think about how they are going to raid our wealth to pay for their families and retirements at our expense. Cameron actually asked, “In our country, do we want to allow a means of […]

Gold Standard Nonsense Compelling Us To Repeat History

COMMENT: “The system is collapsing. It is not because of some derivatives bubble. It is not because of fiat. This is because of the debt gone wild” Sure! And you don’t see the connection with the lack of a gold standard? This would never have happened during a gold standard, without someone having gone out […]

The Interview in Greece

  Interview of the Director Marcus Vettor (Greek) (English: Marcus Vetter, director of «Forecaster» in Tvxs) Interview of Martin Armstrong (Greek) (English: _The solution to unsustainable debts)

Central Banks Selling U.S. Treasuries As Fight Over Debt Looms

Central banks have been dumping U.S. Treasury bonds because of the debt ceiling problem. The Tea Party will shut down funding if they have their way. This situation illustrates the entire problem. The debt ceiling only ever rises. We will see a rise in taxation and this will help to collapse the U.S. economy and […]