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So When Will the Yellow Vest Movement Take Hold in the USA?

The Yellow Vest anti-government movement (#YellowVests, #GiletsJaunes) began in France on November 17, 2018, when over 300,000 people across France protested a carbon tax on fuel. President Emmanuel Macron claimed the French were leading the world in the battle against climate change. The Yellow Vest protests evolved rapidly into an all-out general anti-government movement that was […]

Brexit & Pi

    We are approaching 31.4 months this February from the original Brexit referendum on June 23, 2016. After such a period, the British government’s incompetence is shining through. The EU wants a hard border in Ireland all because they fear that goods could creep from the North to the South without them getting their […]

Getting Old & Risking Unemployment Thanks to Socialism

The reality these days is that more than 50% of older workers are pushed out of their longtime jobs before they choose to retire. The major factor in this trend is their pension. Pensions are bankrupting both private and public sectors for the entire idea is showing impractical economic stress. Before FDR and the great New Deal, people […]

Market Talk – February 6, 2019

  Asia: The following country’s markets are closed for the national holiday: China, Hong Kong, South Korea, and Singapore. The Chinese Yuan increased 16 bps against the dollar despite the market being closed. The Japanese stock market increased +0.14%. The YoY for the Nikkei is still negative, slipping -3.56%. The same cannot be said for […]

New Monetary Theory is Like Sleepwalking

QUESTION: Bernie Sanders was basing his whole economic proposal to just keep spending and make everything free. They seem to be teaching this in school now. This macroeconomic theory whereby a country’s spending is only constrained not by revenue in taxes but by inflation when it creates a sovereign currency. It seems too good to […]

Is the Democratic Socialist Party Going After Corporations?

  Corporate America will suddenly discover that the Democrats are moving substantially to the left and will do whatever they can to further that goal. The Democrats are becoming the new party of anti-corporation/business. They embrace the misguided ideas of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who has been joined by Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. This new agenda is […]

Passive Aggressive Society & the Cycle of Revolution

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong I am currently based in Oklahoma City OK and recently received a citation from the District Attorney’s office, Oklahoma Uninsured Vehicle Enforcement Diversion Program, after a photo of my vehicle’s license plate was snapped while driving on a turnpike thoroughfare. The citation accused me of driving without insurance and attached a hefty fine […]

Setting the Train Track on Fire

  So much for Global Warming. We really need to prepare for what happens if we continue down this path of colder winters. The ground freezes and it can freeze even down two-feet. That means good luck on growing anything. It has been so cold, that even the rails for trains broke in three different […]

Thanks to Bankers – Student Loans Are Suppressing our Future & Destroying the Real Estate Market

I have warned that the entire Student Loan Crisis has significantly altered the economy thanks to the Clintons courting the New York bankers making Student Loans the exception to bankruptcy. In Florida, like many other states, if you are in default on your student loans, the medical license to obtained is suspended. The Florida State Board […]

When is Printing Money Deflationary rather than Inflationary

QUESTION: It seems the Left Wing Progressives in the US House (opponents of Pelosi) have adopted the Money Market Theory of Prof. Stephanie Kelton of U of MO.-Kansas City to justify unlimited deficit spending of the US Govt. OK as the Govt. can finance its deficits by unlimited currency printing. Would you please comment. Thanks and […]