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The Bull v Bear in the US Markets

While the general overview of this market by most technicians has been bearish simply based upon how high the market has risen, we are also in an interesting position where the fiction of vaccines is providing some underlying support. Based upon RELIABLE sources, this entire Build Back Better motto and a scheme were developed BEFORE […]

Gaius Julius Caesar Victory over Vercingetorix 48-47BC

With the help of his political allies, Caesar had succeeded in making himself the governor of Cisalpine Gaul and Illyricum, with Transalpine Gaul later added, giving him command of four legions. The term of this governorship, and therefore his immunity from prosecution, was set at an extraordinary five years, instead of the usual one. Deeply […]

Hetty Green – the Lost Age of Trading

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, Yes, it is absurd to think that they can train humans to bark, sit and roll over. But given how things have been evolving since last year, I see plenty of people becoming a two legged dog! I feel you just have to live in a place where, slowly but surely, people […]

Market Talk – March 24, 2021

ASIA: Chinese internet giant Tencent on Wednesday reported a 28 percent year-on-year growth in revenue for 2020, raking in around 482 billion yuan (about $73.9 billion). The company’s net profit, calculated on a non-IFRS basis in order to reflect its core earnings by excluding certain one-time or non-cash items, rose 30 percent year on year […]

The Rise & Fall of Empires, Nations, & City States has been Going on for Thousands of Years – It’s Just Our Turn!

COMMENT: Marty: I was re-reading Herodotus and saw early in his book a reference to the rise and fall of civilizations pertinent to the concept of capital flows: Herodotus, Histories 1:5 “For many states that were once great have now become small; and those that were great in my time were small before. Knowing therefore […]

Sidney Powell Shoots Herself in the Head – not the Foot

  QUESTION: What do you think about Sidney Powell saying no reasonable person would believe what she says. HD ANSWER: I understand the legal argument that there is no harm because she was not believed. If they suffered no harm there is no claim for damages. I have never seen proof that the software of […]

Gold & the Persistent Decline

  COMMENT: Marty; I just wanted to tell you an old friend of mine is still a gold bug. When I said I follow you and have actually made money, it was like you were the antichrist. He said you support the central bankers and they create endless amounts of money to fund the military […]

Coal Consumption to Rise by 16% Here in 2021

COMMENT: Hi Martin, I live in Leicester, UK. They began with these “exercises” and “simulations” as I call them regarding Power Outages. Just have one right now. There is no reason for a power outage since the network is all fine. It is all deliberately imposed. Can you explain what next? Thanks. D REPLY: They […]

Cryptocurrency & the Illusion

QUESTION:   Hi Martin Thanks for all the work you do, my day always starts with reading your take on things. I was a member until recently as I am out of a Job. I Live in Toronto, where lockdowns have been the worst and longest in North America. Presently looking to relocate out of the […]

Market Talk – March 8, 2021

ASIA: China will invest more in coal to power its economy over the next five years, according to a government plan released Friday (Mar 5) that only modestly increased renewable ambitions. Environmentalists had been hoping China’s five-year national development plan, unveiled at its annual parliamentary session would give a roadmap for its goal of carbon […]