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Business, Economic-Confidence

The Business Cycle and the Economic-Confidence Model   In separate research works on our Economic-Confidence Model published since 1979, the complete and detailed historical review stretching back several centuries will provide the in-depth analysis of this model for those interested in more serious study. The primary purpose of this discussion is to present an overview […]

Nature of

The Nature of Timing Models The nature of time has always been a puzzling and intriguing subject. Jules Verne gave us bold glimpses of time portrayed as another dimension through which man may one day travel back and forth. Einstein explored the question of time in his Theory of Relativity. Time to the investor is […]

Debt Crisis

The Debt Crisis The Ultimate Defining Issue of American Politics There has been a lot of talk about bringing the deficit down. Clinton argued that issue in support of his massive $245 billion tax increase. While it is true that the deficit declined over the last two years, it is NOT true that this was […]

A Continued Era of Deflation or A Premature Expectation of Inflation?

A Continued Era of Deflation or A Premature Expectation of Inflation? © Martin A. Armstrong Economists and analysts argue that double-digit inflation is something of the past – a freak of nature that took place during the Carter years of the mid-70s. On April 19th, 1993, Alan Greenspan (Chairman of the Federal Reserve) made a statement […]

A Crisis in Democracy

A Crisis in Democracy The Price of Intervention © Martin A. Armstrong Arthur William Edgar O’Shaughnessy once wrote in his classic Ode back in the 19th century… “We are the music-makers, And we are the dreamers of dreams, Wandering by lone sea breakers, And sitting by desolate streams; World-losers and world-forsakers, On whom the pale […]

Trading the Reverse Pyramid

Trading the Reverse Pyramid © Martin A. Armstrong If you had to reduce the movements of all market and economic activity down into a single solitary influential explanation, the one single word which I would chose to describe such a force would obviously be CONFIDENCE! At first, you might be moved to take exception to this […]

Market Myths

Market Myths © Martin A. Armstrong There are numerous myths within the market which encompass everything from stocks and interest rates to gold and oil. Indeed, one could easily write a 1,000 page book on this subject, cataloguing all these “rules of the game”. By far the most widely hailed myth is the so–called relationship of […]

Musgrave, Richard Abel

Richard Abel Musgrave 1910-2007 Richard Abel Musgrave is a German-born economist, who emigrated to the US before the Second World War. Educated at Heidelberg and Harvard, Professor Musgrave has served as a consultant for several major organizations including the Federal Reserve, and has taught at Michigan, Princeton and Harvard universities. He has been an influential […]

Is Paper Money Constitutional?

Copyright Martin A. Armstrong, all right reserved March 18th, 2012 Please register for Special Updates ArmstrongEconomics.COM / Princeton Economic Institute Copyright Martin A. Armstrong All Rights Reserved  Disclaimer: Futures, Options, and Currency trading all have large potential rewards, but also large potential risk. You must be aware of the risks and be willing to accept […]

Hansen, Alvin Harvey

Alvin Harvey Hansen (1887-1975) Alvin Harvey Hansen was an American economist. Taught at the University of Minnesota from 1919 to 1937 and at Harvard from 1937-1960. He worked for the Economic State Department in Washington from 1934-35, and was special adviser to the Federal Reserve System between 1940 and 1945. His published work includes Cycles […]