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Governments Are Sucking in Assets like a Black Hole

QUESTION: Hello Sir, I am French and have been reading you for many years (I already read you while you published papers while you were very unfairly imprisoned). I signed up for Socrates on 6th January and must thank you warmly for opening my eyes to the real state of the global economy and its cycles. […]

Internal Migration – The Cycle or City States

  There is an interesting book entitled The Chinese Exodus. This work explores the sociological and theological discussion going on concerning China’s internal migration since the marketization reform in 1978. While the book documents the social and political processes impacting the experiences of internal migrants from the countryside to the city within China, the attempt […]

Elizabeth Warren’s Wealth Tax – How to Destroy the United States in Less than 10 years

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I have been reading your blog for years now. It is obvious that you are well connected behind the curtain. It did not take but perhaps a day or two after you explain the difference between wealth and income to suddenly see Elizabeth Warren adopting the position to impose a wealth tax […]

Illinois Confiscating and Selling Cars if you Owe Tickets

Believe it or not, Illinois confiscated and sold 50,000 cars because people had tickets that they could not pay. They still have to pay the banks on their car loans. The tickets are for expired “city stickers” that were implemented to collect more taxes from Chicago drivers. So these are not even tickets for parking […]

Margaret Thatcher on the True Duty of Government

  I have been asked many times why I was friends with Margaret Thatcher. I’ve also been asked if I have known any other politicians since who I was proud to call a friend. This video explains a lot as to why we were friends. We shared a view that really no longer exists in […]

The Clash Between Normal People & The Global Warming Crowd – Green Extremist Overlords

There is an undertone lurking behind the rise of Donald Trump in the US, the Brexiteers in the UK, Marine Le Pen in France, political re-alignments in Denmark, and the election of Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil. Additionally, there is the change in governments in Mexico, Malaysia, and the civil unrest in Romania. They are all joined […]

Direct Taxation Reduces Economic Growth

QUESTION: Happy New Year; Am I correct in noticing a global connection in the money supply, M1 & M2? You directed us to this long ago. The global banks have found the turning point so this affects everything no? Even the US consumer is sliding to the cautious side of spending – fewer mortgages, cars, […]

Inequality of Wealth

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; So if I am correct, you have no problem with the inequality of wealth because you have it. Correct? JS ANSWER: Let us look seriously at this issue. All of these people who talk about the disparity or inequality of wealth, claiming it is evil, completely fail to even understand the subject. […]

New York Times Becomes Really A Puppet of the Deep State?

This entire affair of desperately trying to paint Trump in league with Putin to defeat Hillary is beyond any comprehension.  Not a single left-wing press from the New York Times to CNN will ever report the truth that the release of Hillary’s emails NEVER involved altered or forged documents. They were all REAL! So this entire conspiracy they are […]

Norway to Track Cars GPS to Tax Per KM (Mile) – Your Govt is Next

COMMENT: Hi, The Norwegian Data Protection Authority is now arguing that GPS based taxation, for the amount of kilometers driven by car, can be done within 5-6 years! Norwegians trust the government way too much, because they believe that this system will eliminate the need for road tax, fuel tax, toll roads and reduce the […]