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Sweden Attacking the Cancel Culture?

We seriously need laws to protect people from being canceled, harassed, threatened, or fired because they stand for freedom of speech and are opposed to COVID. These people carrying out their agenda to silence all opposition are effectively no different than the Communists of the 1917 Revolution days. They are desperate to keep the fear […]

Market Talk – March 2, 2021

ASIA: Bank of America economist said China stands a good chance of doubling the size of its economy by 2035 — and surpassing the U.S. as the world’s largest economy along the way. Helen Qiao, head of Asia economics at BofA Global Research, said some reform measures would help China get there. Doubling of China’s […]

Biden Gets the Immigration Crisis he so Richly Deserves

The Democrats blamed Trump for everything possible with immigration. Now the rumor is that anyone in the USA under Biden will simply be granted citizenship. What is going on now is the problem of unaccompanied children crossing the border has exceeded all-time highs. Border Patrol agents are now reporting a dramatic surge in the numbers […]

Biden orders 56 US Attorneys to Resign or be Fired bceuase they Were Appointed by Trump

Biden has ordered that 56 US Attorneys appointed by Trump must resign by today or be fired simply for being Republicans. This ensures that Hunter Biden will never be investigated and it is outright corruption of the Rule of Law. Never has such discrimination taken place whereby you cannot discriminate if they are even cross-dressers, […]

The Outage at the Federal Reserve

The outage of the National Settlement Service and the Fedwire Securities Service, which provides issuance, settlement, and transfer services for Treasuries and other government securities, was down and this has caused some concern and then conspiracy theories mixed in. The Fed made progress reversing the shutdown within a couple of hours, however, this has illustrated […]

Cuomo Exemplifies the Downfall of the United States

COMMENT: Marty, you haven’t mentioned Cuomo. Any particular reason? GJ ANSWER: No. It is just another example of how everything has simply collapsed. If he were a Republican and his secretary accused him of sexual harassment, he would have been charged and hauled into court. Because he is a Democrat, he gets to walk on […]

The Real Vortex & Astrology

  QUESTION: Do you ever use astrology? EK ANSWER: No. Astrology I believe really dates back to at least the Babylonians. They conducted a research project cataloging everything and attempted to correlate it to events. Clearly, astrology originated in Babylon far back in antiquity, with the Babylonians developing their own form of horoscopes around 2,400 […]

Cleopatra – Coins – Migrations

QUESTION: Marty, I watched a documentary on Cleopatra. Strange how she was married to her younger brothers. They said nobody knows what she really looked like but I thought if anyone would really know, it must be you. Was she the most beautiful woman of antiquity or was that legend? FR ANSWER: Plutarch does remark […]

Private Money

QUESTION: Marty, I found your passing comment on cash-like coupons by private stores becoming cash in the digital world. Could you elaborate? thank you as always BK ANSWER: Aside from the ancient Roman prostitute token, we have often found private tokens emerge as money during periods of shortages in physical money. The Roman Emperor Tiberius […]

Supreme Court Allows Manipulation of Elections

I find it very interesting that because Justice Thomas, Alito, and Gorsuch all dissented in denying review of the Pennsylvania election lawsuits which were clearly unconstitutional, suddenly Thomas is no longer black but called the “most conservative” member of the Supreme Court. I have stated before that the Judiciary Act of 1925 is in itself […]