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The Paper Chase Part II

The Paper Chase Part II ©Copyright June 1988 The Panic of 1869, which caused gold to rally significantly, was in itself a sign to the government that paper money would not win the affections and confidence of the people just yet – this would take time. The question of what was actually money remained an […]


Abscissa – the horizontal baseline of a chart, x-axis. Ad Valorem Tax – A tax levied as a fixed percentage of the value of a particular item. Aggregate Demand – Total planned or desired spending in the economy as a whole in a given period. It is determined by the aggregate price level and by influences such as […]

Do We Need to Be "Rescued From Capitalism?"

Global Meltdown Do we need to be “rescued from Capitalism?” By Martin A. Armstrong © September 16th, 1998 Princeton Economic Institute There is little doubt that the global economy is experiencing at the very least a short-term meltdown. George Soros’ comments yesterday calling for more intervention and bailouts because emerging market investors need to be […]

History of Panics – The force of Creative Destruction

The History of Financial Panics By Martin A. Armstrong Throughout time, the economy of mankind has swung back and forth between some fantastic periods of prosperity and deep dark depressions. It is our failure to understand this mechanism that often drives the politics of the world also between two extremes of totalitarian regimes and communism […]

Goldman Sachs v Shareholders

Copyright Martin Armstrong All Rights Reserved March 18th, 2012 SEC Supports Goldman Sachs v Shareholders Anyone who has traded with Goldman Sachs most likely knows it is always an adversarial relationship. Banks that trade do so for themselves and employees are compensated according to the profits made on the desk. That is the nature of […]

Anatomy of a Debt Crisis that appears, only Julius Caesar ever understood.

  Copyright Martin A. Armstrong, all right reserved March 18th, 2012 Please register for Special Updates ArmstrongEconomics.COM / Princeton Economic Institute Copyright Martin A. Armstrong All Rights Reserved Disclaimer: Futures, Options, and Currency trading all have large potential rewards, but also large potential risk. You must be aware of the risks and be willing to […]

The End of Time?

Copyright May 22nd, 2011 Please register for Special Updates and Please send comments and suggestions to ArmstrongEconomic.COM Copyright Martin A. Armstrong All Rights Reserved This Report may be forwarded as you like without charge to individuals or governments around the world. It is provided as a Public Service at this time without cost because of […]


Writings 2010                       Armstrong Economics: A Total Eclipse of the Economy and Good Old Fashion Witch Hunt (Martin Armstrong, 12/22/10)   Armstrong Economics: Saving the Day After Tomorrow(Martin Armstrong, 12/07/10)   Armstrong Economics: Saving the Day After Tomorrow(Martin Armstrong, 12/07/10)   Armstrong Economics: Indirect vs […]


Writings 2011 Armstrong Economics: Financial Border Controls (Martin Armstrong, 12/28/11) Armstrong Economics: 2011 Year-End Outlook (Martin Armstrong, 12/28/11) Armstrong Economics: Answering Your Questions: Gold & Reversals (Martin Armstrong, 12/27/11) Armstrong Economics: Ron Paul, Our Last Hope (Martin Armstrong, 12/19/11) Armstrong Economics: Answering Your Questions, re Politics (Martin Armstrong, 12/16/11) Armstrong Economics: What’s Up with Gold? […]

RFK Endorses Trump & Will Join His Cabinet

  COMMENT: Congratulations. You are the only one who has been pushing this for months. What position will he take in Trump’s Cabinet? FK ANSWER: I want to thank everyone for all of their support. I may have been the first behind this issue. But this is not merely because I said so. RFK was […]