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The Total Incompetence of Career Politicians

Someone really needs to do a study on people who seem to want to rule the world yet have absolutely no clue what they are doing, which is really 98% of all politicians. What drives these people? Is it just greed to sell influence and get outrageous speaking fees? Until we end career politicians, we […]

USA: Where Politicians Are Free to Rig the Game

As to be expected, the Republicans are up to dirty tricks to try to prevent Trump from being the candidate. After the Iowa Caucus, reports are surfacing from volunteers who say that their precincts were being combined into one large mob to push the vote to Cruz. Iowa was always a rigged game, and generally […]

The Lucrative Career or Lies, Deceit, & Fraud

Being a politician is a business. They are, for the most part, concerned only about themselves and will always vote to raise taxes because they benefit the establishment, as the Clintons can verify. Some leverage their political capital by striking golden contacts while in office and selling influence derived from their power that is typically funneled […]

The Establishment Is Beside Itself Over Trump

Next week can be a real watershed event. If Trump beats Cruz in Iowa, look out! Iowa is the heart of the Evangelical community, and if Cruz cannot win there then he will most likely not win the election. The establishment Republicans are really out to defeat Trump for their worst fears may happen — […]

Clinton Speaking Fees Since 2001 Total $125 Million

Hillary will not release transcripts of her speeches at Goldman Sachs for which she was paid $675,000. The New York Times has reported that she has racked up $30 million in speaking fees in just 16 months. However, the total amount Clinton received in speaking fees since 2001 has reached $125 million. It seems to be […]

Schengen Agreement & the Fall of Europe

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, You have been nominated for the FX analyst of the year in 2016 again. True, your calls on the Euro and the Swiss peg were amazing. But what has fascinated me even more is you also forecast that the Schengen Agreement would come to an end before the refugee crisis. Can you […]

Trump vs. Cruz & Goldman Sachs

They are now playing “Born in the USA” at Trump rallies to distinguish him from Cruz who was born in Canada. The real issue that Cruz will not address head-on is the revelation in the New York Times that Cruz failed to properly disclose large loans he received during his senate campaign. Trump brought up the issue, but in a […]

What Would Goldman Sachs Do If It Lost Both Parties?

According to a New Hampshire poll released by Monmouth University Poll Institute on Tuesday, Bernie Sanders has 53% support compared to Clinton’s 39%, and Martin O’Malley is in third place at 5%. Meanwhile, Trump soars well ahead of everyone else and Bush collapsed to 4%. This begs the question: What will Goldman Sachs do if it does not […]

Clinton Defends Big Banks & Repeal of Glass-Steagall

Hillary’s big money comes from NY bankers. Guess what? Hillary is defending the bankers as is her husband. Hillary claims she would endorse an approach that would break up large banks if they take excessive risks. That is very vague. However, Hillary has also stated bluntly that reinstating Glass-Steagall would not address the types of institutions that […]

What are Human Rights? Do They Include Property & Class?

The real definition of a human right is a right that is believed to belong justifiably to every person. The United Nations defines Human Rights as: Human rights are rights inherent to all human beings, whatever our nationality, place of residence, sex, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, language, or any other status. We are all […]