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The Wave of Illegal Aliens Converge on Los Angeles

There is a major battle going on in Southern California as all the people who have come across the border but have no place live. All the posturing against Trump calling him a racist for wanting to put up a wall to stop the influx of illegal aliens and drugs, the real test will be […]

New Governor of California Want to Tax Water

The total mismanagement and incompetence of government is just beyond description. The new California Governor Gavin Newsom presented his first state budget during a news conference, last week on January 10th, 2019. While he won bashing Trump over the illegal aliens because he care so much for families, he could care less about how much […]

The Coming Launch of Socrates

QUESTION: Marty, Back in 2015 when they closed the Chicago MERC after 167 years, you did a piece about how flashing screens do not provide the same “feel” as tape watching and floor trading. You also mentioned in that piece that “after Socrates, you will recreate something you always wanted to do” in relation to bringing […]

Cancelling Euros

QUESTION: Dear Martin, you are very right that govs intend to terminate high denomination euros. In Germany it has been impossible to pay cash with a €500 note for quite some time now – at least at most of the shops I usually go to on a weekly basis. At the end of last year […]

Yellow Vests Destroying Speed Cameras

The Yellow Vest movement is indeed spreading worldwide. In France, they are out destroying speed cameras. Most Americans are familiar only with the red light cameras that cities have been forced to take down for they are unconstitutional. That is why you did not get points for the violation, just penalties. In Europe, the speed […]

Yellow Vests Advocate Taking Money Out of Banks in France to Topple Macron

The Yellow Vest Movement in France is turning to an all-out war against Macron. Many are now advocating withdrawing their money from banks in order to topple Macron. Yellow Vest activists ‘Gilets Jaunes’, are now supported by up to 70% of the population. This new effort stepping up their pressure to de-throne President Macron and regain French […]

May EU Elections Promising to be Major Issue

Two more politicians in France have abandoned Macron and joined the right party of LePen ahead of the May European elections. Our sources in France are clearly revealing that the Yellow Vest movement has had a profound impact on politics. Macron’s promises to raise taxes on the rich are falling short because that just never seems […]

Yellow Vest Movement Spreads to Australia & Poland

We are witnessing the Yellow Vest Movement now also spreading to Australia. We are seeing the rise there and in Canada also against Fake News that the media is desperately fighting Trump on who now label him an idiot in headlines. We are also witnessing a backlash against taking in the Muslim claimed refugees from Syria […]

Europe Inundated by Snow Down to Greece & Harvard Study Shows Oceans Are Getting Colder

This winter is once again extremely brutal in Europe. Exceptionally heavy snow has fallen as far south as Greece in the range of even 3 to 5 feet in various places. This is the third year of extreme cold in Europe which has been fueling more resentment about global warming taxes. Once again, Europe has been […]

Worldwide Real Estate Crash & Why

QUESTION: Sir, Listening to the WEC 2018 recording this weekend, Mike Campbell made an interesting sideline comment. He stated that pension funds were heavily invested in real estate. Is this just Canada or the US as well? If taxes go up will this further push the pension funds over as well as the emerging markets? If […]