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AI – Beyond Complexity – 11 Dimensions within our Own Mind

QUESTION: Hi Martin, First, thanks for this article (on Facebook shutting down AI) It is the first non-sensacionalist and serious post I read on this topic. Although, I found it somehow contradictory. Your main statement is that all the history is cyclical. But in this post you say “Therefore, we can create a computer that […]

Obamacare is Officially Destroying the Economy & Has Reached 60% of total Retail Sales

The retail sector has been stagnant and most people are blaming AMAZON. A closer look is really required rather than the typical superficial analysis. Today, online sales represent only 8.5% of total retail sales. Amazon comes in at $80 billion in sales, but this merely amounts to just 1.5% of total U.S. retail sales, since 2016 total retail […]

The Canadian Dollar Review

COMMENT: #1: Marty, Thank you for your recent post on the private blog on July 12th. Socrates had identified the week of July 24th as a key week for a potential high with the two key target areas of resistance at 80.50 and 81.75. The actual high was 80.62 on July 26th. I am sure that there […]

Pollock v. Farmers’ Loan & Trust Co., 157 U.S. 429 (1895)

U.S. Supreme Court Pollock v. Farmers’ Loan & Trust Co., 157 U.S. 429 (1895) Pollock v. Farmers’ Loan and Trust Company No. 898 Argued March 7, 8. 11, 12, 13, 1895 Decided April 8, 1895. 157 U.S. 429 APPEAL FROM THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK Syllabus […]

American Imperialism – Why Congress Violates International Law

We have a very serious problem with Congress. Their actions in far too many ways is displaying (1) a total disregard for international law, and (2) a clear arrogance that they will punish foreigners for not obeying US law outside the territorial jurisdiction of the United States. What if Germany passed a law to punish […]

Volkswagen & the Risk Behind the Euro

The scandal at Volkswagen AG over the diesel which began on September 18th, 2015, when the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued a notice of violation of the Clean Air Act to German automaker Volkswagen Group. The agency had found that Volkswagen had intentionally programmed turbocharged direct injection diesel engines to activate some emissions controls […]

Facebook Shuts Down its AI System

A lot of people are using the issue that Facebook shut down its AI system when it began to create its own language as a short-cut in communication between two bots. Some are hailing Elon Musk as an “I told you so” prophet. But in all honesty, the Facebook AI is merely doing the very […]

Navigating the Business Cycle = Prosperity

The key to the future is understanding (1) the past and (2) how everything functions. Sure there is a risk of a Dark Age after 2032. Hopefully, we can learn from the past to push things in the right direction at least for once. For whatever reason, the people who like to run government are […]

Understanding Time & the Kondratieff Wave

QUESTION: Dear Martin,   I am a reader of your blog and attendee of some of your conferences. I am quite impressed about the timing of your forecasting arrays. In particular,  May 1 you published the arrays for DJIA (attached) where you showed two clusters of volatility: the weeks of 15 May and 26 June. […]

True AI and Fake Neural Net Forecasting Programs

QUESTION: Hello Marty, just came across an interesting project called Numerai with the ambitious goal of creating a hedge fund to manage ALL the money in world(!) in an efficient manner using AI (machine learning, neural networks and whatever the data scientists can come up with). At the core of this project is the historical […]