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All Roads Lead to the Dollar

  COMMENT: Marty; I have attended every conference since 2011. You have really opened my eyes and you have to be blind not see that you have called every trend from the decline in gold, rally in the Dow, collapse of Europe, the rise in the dollar, and the uptick in war/civil unrest not to […]

1901 Expedition Logbooks Confirm There is no Global Warming

OOPS! Antarctic sea ice has not changed for more than 100 years. This further demonstrates that the global warming created by man is just a fraud to get more taxes. Scientists have looked over the logbooks of polar explorers Robert Falcon Scott and Ernest Shackleton from their expeditions during 1901-1904 and 1907-1909. The theory that […]

BBC Caught Fabricating News to Start a War The press has been routinely creating fake news reports to start a war. This is a serious issue for the press is conspiring against the people to create war, sell climate change, and rig elections. This is by no means something new. They taught me in high school history class about how the press started […]

NASA Reports Antarctic Sea Ice Reaches New Record Maximum

NASA has reported that Antarctic sea ice (different from Artic ice) reached a new record maximum. Meanwhile, top Russian scientist Dr. Habibullo Abdussamatov, who is the head of space research for the Pulkovo Observatory at the Russian Academy of Sciences, has come out and stated that the new mini-Ice Age began at the end of 2015. Using […]

It Snowed in Hawaii?

Europe is experiencing a very cold summer. Meanwhile, believe it or not, there was a dusting of snow reported at Mauna Kea in Hawaii, according to the National Weather Service, on June 14. We are heading into, not global warming, but a natural cycle of climate change that comes about every 300 years or so. […]

Portland School Board Acting Like Nazi Propaganda Officers

Well if you live in Portland, you better get your kids out of school. The Portland school board is against free speech. Portland public schools have banned all textbooks that cast any doubt on climate change. They are tampering with free speech and denying any scientific examination by converting climate change into dogma and propaganda. This illustrates […]

G20 Blames Your Psychological Problems for their Failure

The G20 central bank and finance ministers met in Shanghai in April and cheered the rally in the markets after patting themselves on the back. They then issued their communication, effectively blaming the private sector for not paying enough taxes for them to squander. They issued their Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering (FATF), which is really […]

UN & World Bank Want to Tax Water

Well, all the fools who believe in climate change/global warming will be ecstatic to know that they can help the planet through the new proposal from the United Nations and World Bank. These wonderful entities are now forecasting a shortage of water in places like the Middle East by 2050. The solution will be simple: they […]

The Electric Crisis in Europe

Many people do not realize that the global warming/climate change deals in Europe will eliminate gasoline and diesel cars on the streets come 2020. From Norway to India, the year 2020 will mark the end of petrol and diesel vehicles. This is part of the long-term bear market in energy. Germany wants to put at […]

We are Headed into a New Ice Age – But When?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Is this the warmest uptrend cycle in climate? The theory is that man has caused the melting of ice and the warming of the seas greater than on previous cycles. Is this correct or false? Thank you JH ANSWER: No. There are numerous studies that suggest that this particular uptrend in global […]