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The Dow for Year-End — Will it All Just Go Nuts for 2017?

The Dow Jones Industrials still remains in a bullish posture on a broader perspective. The real critical support will lie at 16500 and the Panic Support is well below the market at 13100. Panic Support is the level, if breached intraday, where a Panic Crash unfolds. That is the real important level for 2016, but […]

Clintons' Gift to Bankers Made Student Loans the ONLY Exception to Bankruptcy Alongside Taxes

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, Since watching ‘The Forecaster’ I read your blog daily: thank you for all you have done to make sense out of the current phase of the economic cycle we are in.  Some call it the fourth turning or winter and it helps to see the bigger picture. About the loans: how […]

Hedge Funds Get It Wrong with Sovereign Loans & Puerto Rico

The seriousness that is emerging in the hedge fund community is their tendency to become VULTURE FUNDS who look to lend money to sovereigns at excessively high rates of return that become no different than the carpetbaggers who sought to exploit the South following the Civil War. As an investor, you should stay away from hedge funds who think they […]

Universities Sued for Consumer Fraud — Has Their Time Come?

Clark Moffatt went to law school to persue his dream job as a lawyer working in the American criminal justice system (like we really need more prosecutors). Nearly a decade after graduating with his sheep’s skin, Moffatt has yet to land a job in the profession of his dreams. His student debt stands at more than $230,000 […]

Keep the Powder Dry Going into Year-End

This is historically a thin period of trading. Things can be a bit more volatile for a lot of the big money parks and parties at this time of the year. The Dow has not broken to the downside of the upside, as it is BASING within the trading channel. Wait for DEFINITIVE trades to […]

Democrats Trying to Suppress Sanders

The Democrats are just as dirty as the Republicans. Both parties try their utmost to defeat democratic processes at every stage of the game. Sanders has been cut off from accessing the Democrat’s voter database. Hillary is claiming that her proprietary data was hacked by Sanders. She would NEVER admit that her own private server […]

It's Always Corruption – Just Follow the Money

Christine Lagarde has been threatening countries to turnover the rich or they would be removed from the Swift Code system, which would disable them to receive or transfer funds with any country. Lagarde has her own skeletons in the closet. Since 1993 there have been allegations that Lagarde, acting as French Finance Minister, corruptly signed a deal […]

Austria — It Started the Collapse in Great Depression. Will It Do so Again?

In 1931, the sovereign debt crisis and banking system collapse began in Austria with the failure of Credit Anstalt (Creditanstalt), which was partly owned by the Rothschilds. The bank was forced to absorb another bank and a secret loan was created in London off the books to hide the insolvency to do the merger for […]

Are Negative Rates Fueling Deflation?

Those in power never understand markets. They are very myopic in their view of the world. The assumption that lowering interest rates will “stimulate” the economy has NEVER worked, not even once. Nevertheless, they assume they can manipulate society in the Marxist-Keynesian ideal world, but what if they are wrong? By lowering interest rates, they ASSUME they will encourage […]

Trump – the Next President?

Donald Trump has surged to 36% in the polls, which is driving the political pundits crazy. After more than 30 years of dealing directly with politicians around the world, I must say one thing: politicians will NEVER admit a mistake. No matter what, they will always follow a single course simply because they declared that direction from […]