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China CIPS v Western SWIFT System

COMMENT: Marty; Some people are trying to claim that China in bypassing the Swift System, they are undermining the dollar. The latest absurd statement is that Japan will bypass the dollar and SWIFT System to transact using China’s CIPS system in inter-bank settlement. I really had to laugh at how ignorant this statement is for it […]

Le Pen soars in French Polls to Top

Marine Le Pen has refused to wear a headscarf at a meeting with a Grand Mufti in Lebanon.  The incident is likely to be well received by their electorate in France. Ms Le Pen in the first round of voting in France’s Presidential elections in April, is expected to top the polls. When she was offered […]

Market Talk- February 21, 2017

One of the quietest days in a while with even the JPY trading in a fairly tight trading range, less than one Yen (113.00 – 113.80). Early talk surrounded Fed’s Member (Patrick Harker) who commented late in the day that March is still in play for potential move. US Dollar bulls needed no encouragement and […]

Trade v Banking – The Real Issue

While CNN and ABC news have turned really vicious against Trump, they are failing to report the real impact of world events that can undo everything. As we head into April/May, we are looking at a real crisis emerging that is beyond contemplation. The prospect of the breakup of the European Union because Brussels refuses […]

All Eyes on Greece

Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has completely failed the Greek people. He was elected to exit the EU but instead he has wiped out his country trying to stay in the Eurozone. Pensions have been attacked 11 times since the crisis began in 2010. The very day Greece asked the IMF for help was precisely on […]

Has the Extinction Cycle Also Turned Against Us?

QUESTION: Martin, I have a question that is well outside your usual realm of discourse, so please bear with me as I explain. I have just returned from visiting my friend, who is a senior cetacean biologist at one of the large west coast universities. While there, he described an amazing situation to me that […]

Extreme Cold Hitting Europe Creating Food Shortages & Rationing

Europe depends on food from Spain during the winter. With the climate turning down very hard toward a potential new mini ice age, the freezing cold, wet weather in southern Spain has devastated supplies of vegetables for consumers across Europe. Stores have begun rationing. The vegetables impacted are broccoli, artichokes, aubergines, iceberg lettuces, zucchini and eggplants. […]

Gold – Dow – & the Numbers

QUESTION: Marty; You gave the resistance in the Dow at 20,158 and it stopped at 20,155. Gold you gave a buy signal at the close of 2016. You give us specific numbers to reach for a bounce or a collapse. Gold is rallying now on claims that the latest run up is attributed to the uncertainty […]

European House of Cards – When Does it Come Crashing Down?

The EU leadership is attempting to minimize the importance and the explosive result of BREXIT. While the leaders merely yell “You will still regret it”,  the disintegration of the EU has already begun and they are clueless as to what is really at stake. While many just focus of trade, the entanglement is far more complex than […]

From Behind the Wall – Mexico

US-Mexico Border in Arizona COMMENT: Greetings from the other side of the Wall (i.e. Mexico) Mr Armstrong! First, I would like to thank you for what you do, as a young person committed with helping the world thrive I cannot tell you how empowering it was to discover your work and get to know your story, […]