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IMF Numbers Warn the Troika Has Destroyed the Greek Economy

The IMF on Thursday issued its own analysis on the Greek economy. The new debt forecast numbers have been raised in recent months and while the IMF analysis is never on point (way too optimistic), this tends to make the new number even more shocking. The entire idea of lending more and more money and […]

Troika – the Great Destroyer

The idea of creating one unified European government to prevent European wars has grown out of a lesson learned from the disaster of World War II and German Nazi dictatorship. The Nazi movement wanted to rule Europe in part as retribution for the oppression of the German people following World War I, with the harsh […]

Troika Maneuvering to Rig Greek Referendum

In a TV interview, Mr. Varoufakis said very clearly, “This is a very dark moment for Europe. They have closed our banks for the sole purpose of blackmailing what? Getting a ‘Yes’ vote on a non-sustainable solution that would be bad for Europe.” I must admit, most politicians do not come even close to the truth, […]

You Can Check-In for the Euro but You Can Never Leave

German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble explained on Tuesday that Greece will remain in the euro, no matter how the referendum ends on Sunday. Two years ago, Mario Draghi commented on the continued existence of the euro by saying that the single currency was just irreversible. Angela Merkel delivered a very cold speech stating there are no known proposals […]

Greek Referendum is a Vote on Grexit

Brussel’s worst nightmare is coming true. The one thing the Troika has fought so hard to do is kill any democratic vote on the euro by the people in every country. This is not about the terms of austerity, which they still cannot understand is DEFLATIONARY and supports debt holders at the expense of society because politicians borrow forever, […]

Can We Help Greece?

A slew of emails have been coming in asking if we would help Greece if they leave the euro. ABSOLUTELY YES! This week we have people in Athens meeting as I write, offering at this stage an informal proposal should the people vote to leave the euro. This would be the GREATEST of all events that would not merely […]

Greek Bank Run Begins

The BBC is reporting that the Greece debt crisis is now leading to a Greek bank run as people clamor to hoard cash in the face of the Eurozone refusing any bailout extension. This is the typical human response in the face of uncertainty. Greece can pull out of this if they comprehend what really […]

Fractional Banking: Propaganda to Hide Manipulation & Trading?

COMMENT: Armstrong, I have to admit that you are right and I was wrong on fractional reserve banking. Due to the ongoing conflict in what I wanted to believe and what you said would be true, I researched myself. Although I am an accountant I adopted the claims that banks can create money out of […]

The Greek Proposal: No End to the Crisis by Any Means

The Greek proposals included higher taxes, welfare charges, and steps to curtail early retirement. This is simply more deflationary pressure that will crack Greece apart. However, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras is not prepared to cut nominal pension or wage cuts first sought by lenders, which would more likely than not spark revolution. Tsipras, who was elected in January […]

Monday’s EU Summit & Troika’s Misguided View of Greece

The summit held Monday of the new superheroes, known as the Euro-Rescuers, are lost in the canyons of their own minds for they do not comprehend how the economy functions in the least. They just cannot see the problem for they lack a mirror and will never question themselves as a problem. Consequently, the same line of thinking […]