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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Proposed to Raise Individual Tax Rates to 70%

I have warned that all the talk behind the curtain I was hearing when the Democrats won the House was that as soon as they go in, they would be looking at raising taxes to where they use to be back before Reagan. Well it did not take long. The new Congresswoman from New York […]

Trump & His Wall

QUESTION: Do you support Trump’s Wall? They say Trump’s wall is a waste of money and won’t work. Do you disagree? GH ANSWER: To me, it is really irrelevant. It is far more important to the people living there on the border who are tired of all the crime and nonsense lacking security. There are […]

Yellow Vests Becoming World Wide Movement

The Yellow Vest Movement that began in France, is spreading. It appeared also in Belgium and it spread to Canada as well. The French arrested the leaders of the Yellow Vest Movement calling them an anti-government charging them for organizing an unauthorized protest, as authorities adopt a tougher approach to try to curb the demonstrations. During the weekend of […]

Australia Inserting Nano-Chips in $50 & $100 Bills to Track Underground Economy & Coming Barter System

  While the BitCoin people have hated me for not agreeing with them that a private currency could displace the currencies of all nations and BitCoin would be the new “reserve currency” killing the dollar, to me they are in serious need of help. They have ZERO comprehension of governmental power and ZERO understanding of what […]

The Myth of the Plunge Protection Team

COMMENT: It looks like the Plunge Protection Team had a field day with the 1,000 rally in the Dow. Back in the 70s I read a small article near the back page of the WSJ that said that the CIA was using two small obscure banks in the Midwest to trade futures. The way they do it is […]

Socialism violates the Freedom of Religion

The Socialists are out to blame Trump’s Tax cuts to argue why taxes should be higher. At the beginning of 2018, Trump imposed a spectacular tax cut making the USA much more competitive than its European counterparts. Trump argued that the tax reduction would contribute to the recovery of the economy and finance itself through additional […]

The Coming Mini Ice Age & Cyclical Movement of the Tropics Belt Itself

We have the most sophisticated and diverse client base than probably any institution covering more than 100 countries. Our business has been constructed upon one bedrock foundation – unbiased computer analysis. These forecasts are NEVER my personal opinion. There are plenty of people who seek to argue but fail to understand it is NOT ME! Just because someone claims […]

Why Does the Fed Need to Raise Rates?

QUESTION: Hello Mr Armstrong I would like first to thank u for all the good information u give to us i have just a question : why do u write the fed need to increase rates to save the us pensionneers Not realy clear for me ( and maybe a lot of people) Thanks again […]

Death Toll from Cold Doubles & Its Not Over Yet

As the fake academics keep pushing the Global Warming scenarios because that justifies more taxes and they are rewarded with endless grants, I have warned that it is Global Cooling we should be concerned about. Particularly the elderly should really try to relocate to warmer territory. The death rate caused by the extreme cold that […]

You Owe $86,000 per Person in your Household – Pay Up NOW!

The total global debt hit a record $184 trillion, which is the equivalent to more than $86,000 per person. That is actually more than double the average per-capita income. People ask me will our solution work? Can we really just end government debt and convert it to cash restricted to investing in domestic companies? I […]