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Iran & World War III

Thanks to provocative moves by Iran, President Biden is facing an increasingly uncertain situation when it comes to Iran, which has been America’s nemesis since the 1970s when they called the US the Great Satin. They have been pushing much of the Middle East’s instability for decades. The military in the last days of Trump […]


COMMENT #1: Nobody is suggesting that we should “destroy all capital”. Right wing nonsense. We all know that communism is unsustainable due to its inherent lack of economic motivation for anyone to be productive or creative. Similarly, pure capitalism ultimately self destructs without the balance of some collective investment in society (i.e. socialism), as all […]

Hope for the Future

After serious discussions, there is great concern that those behind Biden and drafting these executive orders having him sign them is off the charts wiping out We The People. Trump’s orders to bring down drug prices for diabetics were just reversed to help big pharma. It appears that the corruption is running very deep, but […]

We are Drowning in Fake News

COMMENT: I hope you read this Mr. Armstrong. These past 6 months have been eye-opening for me. I started out late summer writing down names of persons and sites on their news, opinions, stories, and predictions. In the past couple of weeks made an assessment. All have failed except your blog and a couple of […]

China Becomes #1 Place for Direct Foreign Investment

Because the West has decided to commit suicide economically to push this Great Reset and destroy the economy to BUILD BACK BETTER, they are fulfilling precisely what our model has been forecasting – that China will become the Financial Capital of the World post-2032. China has surpassed the United States for the first time as […]

Market Talk – January 26, 2021

ASIA: The IMF expects the US and China to be by far the most successful at steering their economies through the pandemic, leaving Europe and other emerging markets trailing in their wake. In its updated forecasts for the global economy, the fund predicts that by 2022 recoveries in the US and China will leave their […]

The Markets in Light of the Chaos

  When we look around the world the final say in every election is always the vote of capital – which is international rather than confined to local politics. Biden has already shut down the pipeline from Alberta which will only be symbolic for whatever substitute will mere be brought in by ship and pumped […]

Is the Federal Government of the USA a Corporation?

  Some have written in and said then explain why the US is a corporation citing 28 U.S. Code § 3002 – Definitions. Perhaps they did not realize that all local governments are corporations right down to your local municipality. A corporation is a group of people authorized to act as a single entity (legally a […]

NY to Lose Financial Capital of US to Miami?

The first financial capital of the United States was Philadelphia. A walk down Chestnut street and you will see all the old banks which have been turned into mostly restaurants. That was the home of the Bank of the United States which Andrew Jackson was intent on destroying. But Philadelphia continued to be the financial […]

Market Talk – January 19, 2021

ASIA: China’s economy grew at the slowest pace in more than four decades last year, official figures show but remains on course to be the only major economy to have expanded in 2020. The economy grew 2.3% last year, despite Covid-19 shutdowns causing output to slump in early 2020. China’s mainland share markets as well […]