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Chances Are you Are A Genius if you Read this Blog – It’s All in the Methodology

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I too watched Genius on the life of Einstein. It also left me with the same feeling that it was a parallel to your life right down to the Russian girlfriend you had that the government cancelled her visa. You both seem to have accomplished things others could not see even existed. […]

World Economic Conference 1996 Major Forecast

Many people have asked how far do we may forecasts at our conferences. Here is a clip from the February 1996 World Economic Conference (WEC) forecasting the Dow would rally from 5500 to 7000 and perhaps to 10,000 on capital inflows by 1998. In this short clip you will see that this forecast was made […]

Einstein – Relativity – Markets

QUESTION: Marty; I watched the National Geographic special called Genius on the life of Einstein. I could not help but see the parallel with you from fighting the establishment, going head to head with the academics, and how the FBI tried to trump up charges against him to send him to prison. He also said the […]

Welcome to Deflation

People are just starting to grasp why deflation is also present in the USA. Despite all the screaming about Quantitative Easing, most remain confused why hyperinflation has not taken place. Most are Oblivious to the fact that there is a dynamic process involved that is a lot more complex than traditional economics teaches in school. Sorry, […]

In a NY Play they Stab Trump 100 Times for Entertainment

Many people have written in about my observation that the left is always violent and where revolution typically emerges. The hatred of the leftist community for anyone who disagrees with them is astonishing to say the least. I have always believed in a simple motto: I leave you alone and you leave me alone and […]

The Impeachment of Trump – $35

We have so many readers who are not market traders asking about the political future we have decided to provide a very special report that goes through the legal and illegal way they can move against Trump for Impeachment. This is the most comprehensive report perhaps written on this subject with no political slant – […]

Minority Report Becomes Reality in Japan – Prosecution Before You Commit a Crime

The plot of the movie Minority Report was a SciFi flick that in the future they used physics to monitor the world and report if someone was going to commit a crime. Now Japan is doing that but without the physics – just bureaucrats. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s government passed the most outrages legislation perhaps […]

Environmentalists Want to Starve Humans to Save the Planet

Believe it or not, the new theory in government to protect the environment is to force companies to layoff workers. They want to put a toll on workers driving to work in Canada to discourage them from working and forcing companies to close. The Financial Post has reported a story that really makes you think […]

British Election Backfires on May – Exit Polls Show Hung Parliament

It’s looking like a hung Parliament and the polls got it wrong again in Britain. The Conservatives appear to be 12 seats short of the 326 to rule with a majority vote after a 20 point lead back in April. Theresa May is facing a serious backlash over her shocking election campaign gamble following an exit […]

Political Forecasting – $35 The Impeachment of Trump

We have so many readers who are not market traders asking about the political future we have decided to provide a very special report that goes through the legal and illegal way they can move against Trump for Impeachment. This is the most comprehensive report perhaps written on this subject with no political slant – […]