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Failed Dreams & Destroying Europe

The whole idea of a one world government that began in Europe with the Treaty of Rome was based upon the idea inside Europe that a single government would end war. They never considered that there are two sides to that coin ­– international war and internal war – that we call revolution. As Thomas […]

London Anti-Austerity Protest Draws 100,000+

This is socialism collapsing. Hundreds of thousands of people have joined together to protest anti-austerity. So many people attended that the police refuse to number the crowd fearing it was just too many. We are at a crossroads. We have people who live in their little bubbles like Rogoff and Buiter who tell government they need […]

Who Are You?

QUESTION: Martin, Just one question – How do you understand things so well? I understand people who have lived in the real world – been there, done that! sorts, but to be able to have a worthwhile opinion on almost everything under the sun is something pretty unbelievable. WHO ARE YOU? Thanks for all the […]

The Hunt For Money Is Everywhere

COMMENT: Hi Martin, Long time follower. I just bought a house in TN and I had the experience of proving where the money from a Vanguard account transferred into my checking account came from. The lender would not accept the Vanguard or bank account statements. I had to go to the bank and actually get […]

Boehner Wants to Join Obama to Raise Taxes on Small Business

John Boehner, Mr. Ultimate Establishment Republican, is desperately trying to secure the passage of Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) for Obama, which would give him fast-track authority to secure congressional approval of at least three secretive trade deals without the public having a right to know what the hell is going on. Why is Boehner so willing […]

Contempt Violates Every Principle of Liberty – It Should Abolished

Kevin Barrett of Bailey Glasser LLP, a lawyer who argued to jail real estate developer Tim Blixseth in federal bankruptcy court, is now asking to extend the April civil contempt order against Blixseth to include his wife, son, and various corporate entities. He argues that those parties received money from the sale of a Mexico resort, according to Barrett, […]

Private Money

Private money has ALWAYS emerged during periods of crisis. The Feuchtwanger Cent was a “German silver” private token coin. German silver is a term for a white appearing metal we use today which is a copper alloy with nickel and often zinc. The usual formulation is 60% copper, 20% nickel, and 20% zinc giving the impression of […]

“The Forecaster” Playing on European International Flights to USA

QUESTION: Dear Martin, Today I went by plane from Vienna to New York with Austrian Airlines. Also Austrian Airlines are showing “The Forecaster“. This is even more interesting because the Austrian cinemas (like in Switzerland) are not showing the film, therefore I suppose also the possibility of the VOD screening in Austria. I took the […]

Summers Blames People Who Save

We are simply drowning with people in charge who have no real world experience. According to the former US Treasury Secretary and Harvard economist Larry Summers “the world suffers from a savings surplus and therefore threatens to fall into a secular stagnation.” He looks at the world through fogged glasses – not even a rose colored pair. […]

Services & Pricing

We will soon release Phase One of Socrates this month as was demonstrated at the Solution Conference. Yes, it has taken longer than expected but we had to be sure the transition to the Web Access would work as seamlessly as possible. We will not be able to open up the ability to talk and […]