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The Political Night Before Christmas

‘Twas the night before Christmas, when all through Capitol Hill Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse; The stockings were hung for lobbyists to fill with care, In hopes that bankers soon would be there; The politicians were nestled all snug in their beds, While visions of Global Warming Taxes danced in their […]

Which is the Cheapest State for Property v the Highest?

According to GOBankingRates, to afford a house now in California it requires $89,280 annual salary.  This is the highest in the nation and is a warning that taxes are pushing the limit in California to the point that homes will enter a very sharp decline as people keep trying to leave. This chart is interactive and […]

The New French Revolution?

France is now preparing to use chemical weapons against its own citizens around Paris to counter-attack the Yellow Vest rioters as their anti-Macron protests continue after 5 weeks. This chemical is a debilitating powder that can be spread over an entire area of the size of six football fields in ten seconds. So far, the police have arrested […]

Romania BET Crashes over EU Austerity Tax Increases

I have been warning that raising taxes is DEFLATIONARY because you are reducing the net disposable income. Governments simply cannot get that through their head. In Romania where protests over political corruption have been unfolding, the government revealed its plan to try to comply with EU austerity raising they hope 10 billion lei ($2.5 billion US) […]

The Absurd Theory of Rising Sea Levels is a Child’s Bedtime Story

QUESTION: Marty I read your daily newsletters as the only source of real news ‘out there’ Fascinated by the report that Canadians are discovering thickening ice cover How do I convince reporters for the much respected ‘Wired’ magazine and the Popular Mechanics website that their constant refrain of ice melts, rising sea levels et al is […]

The Central Bank War – Nobody Notices

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong: I have watched in amazement how you connect all these elements. Everyone I spoke to agreed this was your best WEC ever. You have said the Fed needed to raise rates because of the pension crisis and it would have nothing to do with inflation but it has to normalize rates to help […]

Why Banks Have Become Judge, Jury & Prosecutor and will Shut you Down Judged Guilty for Nothing That is Actually Illegal

COMMENT: Dear Martin, I would like to share any information on the subject “The Hunt for Taxes and the Abolition of Cash” that you comment on so often: Citi closes accounts of customers who withdraw cash instead of using credit cards The Peruvian author and journalist Jaime Bayly, who lives in Florida, comments political and arts issues in […]

The Use of False Flags to Increase Power

  Historically, Hitler used a very famous event that was the origin of the term “False flag” back in 1933 to reinforce his power. The German False flag used by Hitler was known as the Reichstag Fire. Hitler had a problem. He won less than 35% of the vote. The Reichstag Fire was an arson attack […]

Global Warming Has Nothing to Do with the Sun?

Those who have come forward and presented evidence the sun is the leading cause of global warming have been typically silenced because that result produces no pot of endless government grants to justify taxes for the academic community. It is interesting that while they claim use sunscreen because you can get skin cancer from the […]

California Dreaming – How to Leave & Fast

Once upon a time, they use to write songs about California Dreaming. It is now turned 180 degrees to the main dreaming in California is how to get out of the same. You just cannot keep raising taxes endlessly reducing the standard of living of the people and survive indefinitely. It is official. The net migration leaving […]