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The Flight to Mexico

QUESTION: Good afternoon Mr. Armstrong. I have been a basic member for 6 years. Since then I have been following your USD prediction and it is on spot despite everyone saying the contrary. However, after seeing the EURO, Pound, Yen, and other currencies waterfall, why has the Mexican peso kept its value? I can’t find the […]

Market Talk – September 15, 2022

ASIA: India’s merchandise trade deficit in August widened to $27.98 billion from $11.71 billion a year earlier, revised data released by the government showed on Wednesday. India’s merchandise exports rose to $33.92 billion from $33.38 billion Japan ran its largest trade deficit in a month on record in August as imports surged amid high energy […]

Market Talk – September 14, 2022

ASIA: China’s central bank carried out 2-billion-yuan (about $289 million) worth of reverse repos on Wednesday to maintain liquidity in the banking system. The interest rate for the seven-day reverse repo was set at 2 percent, according to the People’s Bank of China. The aim of this step is to maintain stable liquidity in the […]

Money – Gold – Theories

QUESTION:  I’m a subscriber and I read you every day. Your weekend article 9/10/22 that a gold standard will not work as gold fluctuates just as Fiat currencies do. Then what in your opinion is the proper currency model, or can we just simply keep printing dollars endlessly because for now, we’re the least dirty […]

Greece Rushes to Repay Debt as Rates Rise

As the European Central Bank (ECB) finally begins to raise rates, Greece is rushing to repay its outstanding debt. The failure to consolidate eurozone debt hurt the southern nation, whose debt spiked due to simple currency conversion. Greece remains the most indebted country in the EU. The country received its third bailout in 2018 and […]

Deutsche Bank CEO Says a Recession is Inevitable

Yet another head of the financial system is coming out and warning that a recession is inevitable. Deutsche Bank CEO Christian Sewing echoed the words of BoE’s Governor Andrew Bailey and blamed the coming recession on the war in Ukraine. “We will no longer be able to avert a recession in Germany. Yet we believe […]

Market Talk – September 8, 2022

ASIA: Japan’s economy grew more than initially reported in the second quarter, as the lifting of local COVID-19 restrictions boosted consumer and business spending. Gross domestic product (GDP) in the world’s third-largest economy expanded an annualized 3.5% in the second quarter, stronger than the preliminary estimate of annualized 2.2% growth, government data showed Thursday. The […]

Russia Cuts Off All Gas to Germany

Russia has closed the major Nord Stream 1 gas pipeline to Germany claiming it is off for 3 days for maintenance due to turbine issues. Europe and the U.S. dispute those claims and have accused Putin of “weaponizing” energy. I fail to understand the logic of what is going through the minds of Western leaders. […]

Liz Truss Becomes PM – Dark Day for Britain

Liz Truss has been made Prime Minister of Britain. This was expected, but also the darkest day possible for Britain. Previously, UK Defence Secretary Ben Wallace had backed Liz Truss’ view that Russian forces must be pushed out of “the whole of Ukraine” – and suggested this should include Crimea. Even the Guardian at the time had […]

Market Talk – August 30, 2022

ASIA: Singapore’s key measure of consumer prices rose again at the fastest pace in more than 13 years in July, official data showed on Tuesday, increasing pressure on the central bank to consider further policy tightening later this year. The acceleration in inflation was mainly due to stronger growth in food, electricity, and gas prices, […]