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The Frankfurt Seminar

Thank you to all who joined us at the Frankfurt seminar!

A video of the event will be available for purchase shortly, and all attendees will receive the video complimentary.

How Does Gold Respond With War – For Real & Why It Should be Part of a Portfolio

This is probably the most authoritative study ever done on how gold truly responded during conflicts throughout history be it domestic civil unrest and revolution to international war. Gold has by no means performed the same with each event. It depends entirely upon who is the aggressor and are we facing domestic or international events. […]

If You Want To Know Why Civil War Is Possible Just Look At This

While Kathy Griffin apologizes for going tooooo far, that is obviously only because of the flack she got for even doing this photo. If it were Obama, she would be called a racist. The mere simple act of doing something like this is exposing just how dangerous the future truly is. We have the left […]

Gold, Guns & War Now Available $300

We are now opening up for delivery perhaps the most authoritative study ever done on how gold has responded during conflicts. Sometimes it has rallied, and other times it has not. The key is not simply war means gold rises. There is another whole aspect involved which really determines the outcome. This highly detailed report […]

Drone Technology Advances for Human Transport

Dubai’s Road & Transportation Agency plans to launch trips with the first fully-electric autonomous aerial vehicle drone. The Prime Minister of the UAE wants 25% of all passenger trips to be made in driverless vehicles by 2030. Perhaps we will try it out in our office in Abu Dhabi. This is the future and it […]

The Buffoons – Congress & Mainstream Media Join Forces

The manner in which the press acts and Congress, shows they are colluding to the point that they are desperately trying to get rid of Trump at all costs. However, what they are doing in the process is completing the forecast made by our model that this is the collapse in the confidence of government. […]

Hong Kong 2017 World Economic Conference May 20-21

We would like to thank everyone for a great conference. We apologize to those who could not get a seat. These events have always sold out for they are really mini-UN style meetings with clients from more than 25 countries attending. The next event will be held in Orlando. We promise that in the future […]

Is Germany Putting Pressure on Draghi? Absolutely!

QUESTION: Hi Martin, It cannot be said enough: thank you for everything that you do. While I would love the opportunity to sit down with you as I have a million questions concerning your excellent posts of today, let me focus in on The Coming Central Bank Crisis. As the Fed begins to unwind its […]

Global Market Watch Window to the World Interconnectivity

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, I have been on Socrates for about one year now on what you now call your standard edition. I have to say, you have done an amazing job of programming. To have a computer simply provide a comment that is short and to the point that you can look at the whole […]

BitCoin & Alternative Currencies

QUESTION: I very much look forward to reading your blog every day and feel that I am learning much. I don’t know much about BitCoin but I note that it has almost doubled since the beginning of the year. Does your model have any insight into the future of cryptocurrencies like BitCoin. MR ANSWER: The problem […]