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The Ice Age Cometh

This is the picture the corrupt scientists have been using to get their hands on billions of dollars. We do not know where this photo was even taken. Nevertheless, they have used this to launch their campaign. There are many theories on both sides. All I know is rather simple. The sun is a thermodynamic […]

Trial by Ice – Not Fire – The New Ice Age Cometh?

  Hey – it is snowing in Mexico City. In the 2012 Maya Report, We published the natural cycles that are most concerning. About every 11 years with the Sunspot Cycle, the poles flip polarity on the sun. I provided the evidence obtained from the lava flows at the bottom of the sea that confirm the […]

Ocean turned into Giant Slurpee

  Photo credit: Jonathan Nimerfroh; Instagram: @jdnphotography; Website: Jonathan Nimerfroh’s amazing photograph of what is being called the “Slurpee Wave” was shot at Nantucket and it has gone viral. So much for Global Warming. I doubt any of us has ever seen the ocean turned into a giant slurpee. That tends to reflect what […]

Great Lakes with Historical Record Ice

  The greatest scientific FRAUD of all time has been this Global Warming nonsense. But hey, they are great snake-oil salesmen who manage to get billions of dollars thrown at them to study what they will never admit are just natural weather patterns. This is is so damn cold, I think a few more months […]

Scientists Caught Again Faking Global Warming Data

An investigation of the raw data recording temperature, has revealed that once again these academics are manipulating the data to keep billions of dollars flowing into their hands. No matter how many times they are caught, government will not change course because they want to believe in global warming to justify higher taxes. Al Gore […]

Davos – The Arrogance of Officialdom

In 55BC, Cicero stood before the Senate of Rome and warned of its demise because of a trade deficit importing spices and silk from China. He spoke of the “arrogance of officialdom” and the more I studied the going ons throughout history, the more it hit me – history repeats because the passions of man […]

Republican Sweeping Victory Taking Senate – A Prelude to 2016?

Republicans rode a growing wave of voter discontent during the midterm election winning the control of the Senate literally punishing the Democrats for even electing what is glowingly becoming apparent that Obama is a repeat of Bush Jr, just worse. This will now clip the wings of the Democrats and the social agenda of Obama […]

How To Rig An Election in UK – And Anywhere Else for that Matter

Watch on YouTube Stalin was Absolutely Right – Votes Mean Nothing – Elections are decided by those who count. There goes the future of Scotland. This lady somehow really needs to be investigated. Who told her to do this? You can bet it was not her alone. Investigate and she will give up everyone who […]

University of Washington Paper States Plainly that there has been no appreciable attention paid to Cyclical Analysis of Weather

The introduction to a University of Washington paper is right on point. It warns that there has been way too little investigation into the natural cyclical trends within the climate. The arrogance of assuming we have the power in our hands to change the entire environment within a few decades is absurd. The assumption that […]

Global Warming Crowd Now Argue It is Cycles That Mask the Warming Trend?

  The Global Warming crowd is now desperately trying to counter-act the data that says they are quite frankly about as credible as the old Y2K crowd back in 2000. The data have clearly shown that they have lied, manipulated, and outright carried out a major fraud upon society. They argue that man has altered […]