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World Economy Preparing for Collapse

The world has changed dramatically in the course of this orchestrated and intended collapse of the global economy in order to launch this Great Reset. In the course of several months, we have watched a deliberate economic disaster under the pretense of this coronavirus pandemic. While the main objective of one group has been the […]

Prepare for the 2nd Lockdown

Switzerland has started 2nd wave on soft side = wearing masks in public transportation + quarantine when traveling back from 29 countries (incl. US, RU, Sweden, Israel..). Governments are using this virus which is no more deadly than the flu to impose restraints on commerce in preparation for what is in truth the Monetary Crisis […]

More COMMENTS From Texas

COMMENT: Hi Marty,’ Read the post about Texas and it’s near and dear to my heart because I live in a Dallas suburb. I have followed the Agenda for over a decade as our city has paid dues and participated in the formation of the non-profit NGO’s, one being the NTx COG (Council of governments). […]

Market Talk – July 1, 2020

ASIA: The United States stepped in to stall a United Nations Security Council (UNSC) statement pushed hard by China on this week’s Karachi terror attack. This is in light of India’s reservations over the Imran Khan government’s efforts to politicize the attack at the Pakistan Stock Exchange. Officials said that there was a good chance […]

Gates’ Dream of Controlling the World is Hitting a Brick Wall

Bill Gates and Microsoft have been banned in Russia. This is seriously preventing Bill Gates’ dream of vaccinating the entire world so he can track everyone. Russia is going to add Bill Gates to the blacklist along with George Soros and Jacob Rothschild. The entire scheme of Microsoft and the others is to take everything […]

Will the Dollar Crash?

QUESTION: Good morning from Greece Martin!! It will be very interesting to have your comment on Steven’s Roach interview at CNBC about an upcoming dollar collapse due to the ballooning US deficit. My respect for your job, JA ANSWER: This is the typical myopic nonsense. All they ever do is look at the quantity of money […]

The Future & Safe Havens

QUESTION: Hi martin Hope you are keeping great and getting better each day. You mentioned in a previous blog that you would be talking about safe havens if there are any. Is this something you will be talking about in future. Thanks for keeping me sane in these crazy times. All the best M ANSWER: […]

Will the Fed Cap Rates?

QUESTION: Do you think the Fed will venture into capping the long-term rates as they did during World War II? JH ANSWER:  There is much talk that the Fed will go into yield-curve control in the near future. Some expect that if the Fed does employ yield-curve controls, they expect that yields would be capped […]

Defunding Police – Is This the Right Choice or the Next Step in Revolution?

All of the protests making this a racist issue have distorted the real problem which remains immunity created by the Supreme Court. We must look at these protests in their historical context for calling them simply racist rather than abuse of power hides them from the view of these events forming part of a revolutionary […]

What is Different This Time Between 1987 & 2020 – 33 years Later?

QUESTION: Marty, I was there at your 1987 conference on the weekend of the crash. I was amazed, with many others, that you were able to say the futures would drop 10,000bp and bottom with the ECM and then make new highs. I don’t have to say many did not believe that forecast. What is […]