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Gold Standard & the Never-Ending Fantasy

QUESTION: Do you think it is remotely possible for any return to a gold standard? I believe these arguments are not realistic. DR ANSWER: The fringe fantasy of a return to the gold standard just never dies. If we did not have vast unfunded liabilities and rising socialism to contend with, then such a possibility […]

The Fraud of Climate Change

There are hard links between the world’s largest financial groups, including Goldman Sachs, pushing the climate change agenda by selling “Green Bonds” which are the latest scheme on how to lose a lot of money very fast. They promise to be great sellers as they whip people up into believing they can do their part […]

Market Talk – November 11, 2019

ASIA: Tensions are showing no signs of relief in Hong Kong after two protesters were shot by police over the weekend. Recent sparks of tensions came about due to a student dying due to falling off a building after a police raid due to the protests. Chinese commerce company Alibaba set a new sales record […]

Market Talk – November 7, 2019

ASIA: China announced that the US has agreed to incrementally lift tariffs once a trade deal is reached. “If China, US reach a phase-one deal, both sides should roll back existing additional tariffs in the same proportion simultaneously based on the content of the agreement,” stated ministry spokesman Gao Feng. Feng pointed to positive progressive […]

Impeaching Trump to Shut Down the Government

The object of impeachment against Trump is to ensure that nothing gets done between now and 2021. How do you measure the true cost of impeaching the president? It is certainly not the dollars and cents involved in holding hearings, printing transcripts, or paying Congressional staffer salaries. The true cost is the politicians who were […]

Negative Interest Rates is the Way to Kill a Reserve Currency

Christine Lagarde said back in August that the European Central Bank still had room to cut rates if needed. However, she added that this could pose a challenge to financial stability in Europe. More and more banks are passing on the negative interest rates to depositors and this is undermining the elderly and pensions. From […]

Norway – the Confusion in Trend

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong. Does Socrates have an explanation of what is happening to the Norwegian Kroner? All the financial newspapers and banks here in Norway are scratching their heads and don’t have an explanation of why it’s devaluating against the Euro and Dollar. The central bank of Norway has an interest rate of 1.50%, […]

The Two-Tier Currency Rate in Argentina

  QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, Can you please explain how the Contado con Liquidacion exchange rate works in Argentina? It’s now at around 80 pesos per dollar, while the official rate is 58.37. Is it possible for the average person living in Argentina to get the Contado exchange rate? Also, do you have any advice […]

Our IPO & Rumors

QUESTION: A rumor at the cocktail party was that you were selling a 50% stake for $1 billion to Elon Musk. He is big on artificial intelligence so it makes sense. You even both fought the SEC. After all, you did say you wanted to go public ASAP. So is there any truth to that […]

Market Talk – November 1, 2019

ASIA: The Asia Pacific trade pact is in jeopardy of stalling after India voiced last minute hesitations. The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) would free trade between 16 countries whose collective GDP composes 1/3 of the global economy. Leaders from all 16 nations are set to meet in Bangkok on Monday. However, India voiced reluctancy […]