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The Close of August

So far, the markets are generally positioning themselves for a turn at the end of September. The Dow has traded sideways since Thursday, trying to cling to the rebound. We need a closing today ABOVE 17007 to firm up the market, and a closing below 16632 will warn that the Dow is weak going into […]

Advice for Trump

QUESTION: What would you advise Trump if he asked? ANSWER: When I debated Steve Forbes and New Jersey Governor Jim Florio who lost because he kept raising taxes, I converted Florio. Steve took the Flat Tax and Florio was the “tax ‘em ‘til they die” Democrat; in the debate I disarmed Florio by pointing out that the […]

The Establishment Hates Trump and Are Desperate to Stop Him

The Republicans had a little focus group where they watched taped instances of Trump’s apparent misogyny, political flip-flops, and awe-inspiring braggadocio. They watched the Donald say Rosie O’Donnell has a “fat, ugly face”. They saw that Trump once supported a single-payer health system, and heard him say, “I will be the greatest president God ever created.” The […]

Socrates & the General Public

QUESTION: Hello, I am one of the little people surviving on the minimum wage in the UK whilst raising my children to be responsible human beings and hopefully contribute to a better world. Thank you for your blog and your valuable insights, you have quite a following from those who have no financial interests and […]

False Move = August Low in Dow

A false move is measured from the high, not current time. Therefore, a FALSE MOVE would be two to three months from the May high in the Dow, which means an August low. That can be on a closing basis with an intraday in September and a rally for the close, or it is just an August […]

Armstrong & Downs from Capitol Hill

China – Hillary & More   Part II

The Mad Max Event

QUESTION: Martin, Can you explain more fully why you are expecting the market to rally post 2015.75 while at the same time the economy turns down? Is it merely capital flows domestically as the international economy worsens further, which will ultimately wash up on the shores of the US?  At that point should we expect […]

Clintons Spend $110,000 on Two-Week “Working Vacation”

Hillary outspent Trump for a two-week vacation in the Hamptons, totaling $110,000. She obviously knows how to help the poor. Oh, and she claims it’s a “working vacation” – that means donations pay for her lavish lifestyle.

The Press’ Hatred of Trump

It is interesting to watch just how upset the press is about Donald Trump. The latest poll shows that 60% of the women in the Republican Party support Trump. The press is just beside themselves after Fox News’ Megyn Kelly tried so desperately to paint Trump as anti-women. That has come back to haunt her for the more the media […]

The Rise of a Third Party or Transcendence to a New Political Era?

QUESTION: Question about the post. So the rise of Donald trump and Ben Carson within the Republican Party is parallel to a rise in a third party? Even if they someone won a would be a republican? I would say it’s just as good especially trump not being beholden to special interests. I would liken […]