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Gold & The Global Market Watch

QUESTION: Marty; I find the Global Market Watch really amazing. The talk of India banning gold imports could lead to a crash you have warned about under $1,000. The weekly level in gold came up and said about to crash and even caught the high the week of 07 November. The monthly also caught the […]

Civil Unrest Rising in Germany

There are reports of more and more incidents of Germans turning against the refugees with violence. A mob of about 50 youths went “hunting” for migrants in the eastern German city of Bautzen. They were throwing stones. This was by no means the first time in that city. This did not reach the 1700 people who […]

Record Turnout – Some say it may be 80%

Many areas are already seeing long lines with some officials saying they wouldn’t be surprised if voter turnout topped 80% of registered voters. So far, our computer is on track. If the voting turnout reached 82%, we will have a new historic high that beats even the post-Civil War. If we just exceed 62%, we […]

The Winds of War are Blowing

Capital flows are intensifying. This is why oil is up, gold is up, euro down, US share markets up. Things are shifting quietly. Norway reports that Russian ships are on their way to Syria. Obama may get his wish all before the election in hopes of boosting Hillary.

Russia Advising its citizens How to Prepare for Nuclear War Warning US Intends to Attack

Just as Obama keeps ratcheting up the allegations that Russia will hack the elections to ensure Trump wins, in Russia they are warning their citizens that war is coming and it maybe nuclear. They are warning that NATO is retrofitting tactical aircraft for the use of nuclear weapons, “which is sign of preparation for war with Russia”. […]

War Cycle on Target – Sad to Say

All indications are now pointing to war between the USA and Russia. It appears the powers that be in Washington fear a Trump victory and he would end nation building. The military needs to start a war now because if Trump were elected, he would not go along with this mess. Even Russian TV is […]

New York Times Proves it is the Establishment – End of Independence

The lack of integrity among the press is becoming just in your face. The New York Times published an amazing endorsement of Hillary Clinton on Saturday in hopes that they can persuade their readers to overlook all the scandals of Hillary and make her President. I would understand not endorsing either, but to ignore the law, […]

Fed Seeks to Prohibit Companies from Merchant Banking to Promote Lending

The Federal Reserve wants to take away the ability of Goldman Sachs and other banks to invest in companies rather than acting as bankers and lending. The U.S. banking regulators are urging Congress to prohibit merchant banking where firms buy stakes in companies rather than lend them money. They are pushing for limits on Wall Street’s ownership […]

Can the Dow Crash with Little Retail Participation?

  QUESTION: Hi Martin, thank you for your great work with Socrates and especially for presenting the Indicators for us whom are still outside of the Trader Level.   I have some question about the recent sell off in the DOW. True, it was really time for a correction/drop. But the retail investors are still […]

Medical Conspiracy – Government Altering Death Certificate to Hide Superbugs

Reuters has conducted a most interesting investigation. There is a major conspiracy going on that the government and hospitals are trying to cover up. The abuse of antibiotics has come back to haunt us. One bug in particular has been running around hospitals and the government is doctoring death certificates to prevent hospitals from being sued. […]