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The World According to Schwab?

QUESTION:  Dear Mr. Armstrong, First, thank you for all the wonderful work you do. I have been following your blog for many years and am always amazed at your insight and historical knowledge. I had a question regarding your assertion that the WEF/ Globalists will not win. I am assuming you mean that their vision […]

Market Talk – August 22, 2022

ASIA: China cut its benchmark interest rate and cut its benchmark mortgage loan by a wider margin on Monday, adding to last week’s easing measures as Beijing ramps up efforts to revive an economy battered by an asset crisis and a resurgence of COVID-19 cases. The People’s Bank of China (PBOC) is walking a tightrope […]

The UK has a Refugee Problem

Migrants are risking their lives by boarding small boats to cross the English Channel to the UK. Over 600 people on 14 ships reached Britain last Saturday alone. About 1,843 illegal immigrants crossed into the UK in 2019, but that number quickly multiplied to 28,526 in 2021. Now, the nation is bracing for 60,000 undocumented […]

Market Talk – August 18, 2022

ASIA: India’s oil imports from Russia fell in July for the first time since March, along with its overall purchases, while supplies from Saudi Arabia rebounded for the first time in five months, data from trade and industry sources showed. Indian refiners lifted more futures from Saudi Arabia as prices were attractive, while prices for […]

Sleepwalking into Our Own Demise

COMMENT: I was there on the staff of _____________ when you were on Capitol Hill. It was Dick Army who told you he could not support Bill Archer’s retail sales tax because when the Democrats gained power we would have a retail sales tax and an income tax. I found your piece on Europe sleepwalking […]

Greece’s Public Debt Reached 193% of GDP

Greece’s debt problem has been unrelenting. The European Union refuses to consolidate member state debt, and Greece’s money woes have only multiplied since joining the euro. The global economic downturn is hitting the Mediterranean nation hard. Inflation reached 11.6% in June, a rise from May’s reading of 10.5%. The Greek Statistical Service (ELSTAT) collected data […]

Market Talk – August 8, 2022

ASIA: China’s consumer inflation could soon surpass 3%, CICC said. A global inflation wave that has largely bypassed the world’s second-largest economy may eventually hit prices there. Consumer price inflation in China has remained relatively low compared to soaring costs seen elsewhere as demand remains squeezed by strict Covid control policies and sporadic outbreaks. China’s […]

Market Talk – August 4, 2022

ASIA: Growth in India’s dominant services sector slowed sharply in July, weighed down by high inflationary pressures and weaker demand, leading to a further decline in business expectations, a private survey showed. The S&P Global India Services purchasing managers’ index fell to 55.5 in July from 59.2 in June, the lowest since March and below […]

Market Talk – August 3, 2022

ASIA: China announced on Tuesday that its People’s Liberation Army (PLA) would launch a series of targeted military operations on the island in response to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan and its resolute defense of national sovereignty and territorial integrity. The announcement came shortly after Pelosi landed in Taiwan, the first time in […]

Celebrities Normalizing Bug Consumption

In my interview with Maria Zeee, you may have heard us mention the propaganda efforts to make eating bugs seem normal. In 2018, actress Nicole Kidman made a video for Vanity Fair in which she eats “micro livestock” from a fancy silver platter. This is an insult to the people of food-deprived nations who are […]